Saturday, May 30, 2009

Spinning Bike Squeaky Noise

The power of bloggers: Yoani Sanchez

like every year the Book Fair in Turin has been accompanied by a trail of controversy. This time the protest was made by the organizers who have written an open letter to the Cuban government restrictions that have prevented the Cuban blogger Yoani Sanchez to come to Turin, where he had been invited to talk about her book "Cuba Libre", published this year by Rizzoli. "We wish to express our regret - reads the letter to Raul Castro - The absence of this young woman is not only a restriction of his right to travel freely, but also affects the free spirit, a passion for ideas, pleasure of the comparison underlying the Turin Book Fair, and those who think that the book is an essential tool for growth eg rsonale and collective. " The Cuban blogger, published a weekly magazine International is famous for its controversial content-rich post on the Cuban government. His blog ( Generation Y) is perhaps the only voice of controversy within an island where all media are controlled by the regime castrated. Until a few years ago no one would be interested in a young Cuban who writes a few posts on the internet, but now you can even talk of a crisis between Italy and Cuba This is a clear example of the power that is gaining information on the network: Yoani can take full advantage of two great features of the Internet, that the global spread of the medium and the lack of controllability. You also believe that the true function and the real revolution of the blog may be able to write freely in places where other media are controlled by the censors?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Best Pleasure Way To Wank

To all bloggers: the officially born instead of a heart sticker album

born today a new space for bloggers of course Alfonso. Given the many, many requests were made to me by readers of my blog, I decided to take the field and officially open the corner of the place of the heart. Write to me (just make a comment on this post) of your emotional problems and I will try to answer you entrusted to my long experience in this field. And all for free!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Domina In Leather Jeans

The Vatican

Why does the Catholic Church has survived nearly 2,000 years of history, revolutions and wars? Certainly I do not know all the reasons, but one thing is certain: despite a conservative political and cultural background, the Church has been able to take advantage of technological innovation and communication. The first book printed by Gutenberg was the Bible, one of the first radio in Italy and Vatican Radio was now one of the best corporate websites is just what the Holy See. The site ( ) is really well done, full of stylistic innovations: the home page already links to the pages are inserted into the porch of Bernini's Piazza San Pietro (perhaps a bit 'too vulgar as a choice). But what surprises me are the extensive functionality of the site: A page dedicated to the fundamental texts, information services, liturgical celebrations, the archive of the Popes, etc. ... peeking here and I also noticed a page in my opinion brilliant, meaning perception, imagination, intuition, decision and execution speed of idea (cited My Friends ): the biography accompanied by photographs and video of all the saints and blessed. In this way you can advertise a thing hardly advertised. Portraits, recent photos of the Saint, photos of the day of the beatification, make historical figures, distant in time and space for life and thought, to everyone, even of the less acculturated. And because the Internet a new medium used mostly by young people, representation of the Saints as a sticker album of players is one way (right or wrong?) to encourage even the kids today tend to be far from the church, religion.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Steve Byers Jennifer Kydd


'What is a Caucus-race?' Said Alice, not that she wanted much to know, But The Dodo paused as if it HAD That thought somebody ought to speak, and no one else Seemed inclined to say anything. 'Why,' Said the Dodo, 'the best way to explain it is to do it.' (And, as you might like to try the thing yourself, some winter-day. I will tell you how the Dodo managed it.) First it marked out a race-course, in a sort of circle, ('the exact shape doesn't matter,' it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. There was no 'One, two, three and away!', but they liked, so that it was not easy to know when the race was over. However, when they had been running half an hour or so, and were quite dry again, the Dodo suddenly called out 'The race is over!', and they all crowed round it, panting, and asking 'But who has won?'

"Che cos'รจ un Carosello elettorale [una Maratonda , nei]? "Said Alice, not that he cared a lot to know, but the Dodo had paused as if dropped someone were to take the floor, but no one had dreamed of doing. 'Well, "said the Dodo," the most democratic way to explain it is to do it. "(And in case you want you also to experience a winter's day, now I will tell you as organized the Dodo.) First trace the track, a kind of circle ("circle or square that is just a track," he said) and then all the party were placed along the circuit in any order. There was no "One two three go!", but each would withdraw at will, so was not so easy to determine whether had cut a goal. However, after everyone had been running half an hour they were all beautiful and dry, the Dodo said curtly: "Finish the race!" and all gathered around, panting, and asked: "Who won?"
Universal Classics Economica Feltrinelli, Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland", trans. com. Aldo Busi

addition to the cycles shown in Maratonda of Alice, Carroll's book makes you think on another question: will Alice
country of nanomeraviglie
" In his novel Alice in Wonderland , Lewis Carroll's Alice imagine the amazement of the little that after drinking a strange concoction, is reduced to the size of a mouse, opens up the world so that everything is a discovery : the keyhole of a lock is no longer just the place to insert a key, but becomes a passage between two rooms, and a glass of water upside down it stops being something to hide from the mother to become a dangerous storm. A wonderful world, even before meeting cats and mad hatters villains: for Alice, a mere change of scale changes the perception of reality into something new. "
Dario Narducci, "What is nanotechnology, the instructions for use the next scientific revolution" Sironi Editore

The jump (real, imagined or projected) is the engine of discovery, Jencks identifies as a generator as well as the universe: a complex system that evolves in jumps (see Charles Jencks, The Architecture of the Jumping Universe )......

Friday, May 8, 2009

Planter In A Foundation Wall

Newspapers online payment? Glossary

Audience following the intervention of Marco Pratellesi on his blog ( ) for a declaration of Rupert Murdoch to pay a subscription to view his daily on-line . I think it would be a turning point in the brief history of journalism on the net: in fact one of the reasons for the crisis of the sales of printed newspapers is the opportunity to see the same newspapers for free on the Internet. If you will also pay the daily on-line may very well end the crisis of the press?

The Wall Street Journal and other
Murdoch is convinced that within a year, all online publications of his media empire, News Corporation, will be charged. The publisher, thanks to the global downturn in sales and advertising, has thus changed his mind. Just bought the Wall Street Journal said, willing to explore eliminating subscriptions to open also the site of the prestigious economic newspaper to read financial access. Then the advertising seemed to be the best weapon to increase their earnings.
Murdoch now seems convinced that the economic model of the Wall Street Journal, a newspaper that unlike all the other has relied on subscriptions strong added value for financial investors, can be extended to the New York Post or the Sun
But the conversion process of the readers might not be so simple. We had tried some years ago in Spain, El Pais, that after having paid its online edition had to backtrack to try to recover the past in El readers. The problem is that newspapers put online for a fee, in a world of global competition, the players called up to migrate on other resources and sources. Perhaps better to think of information services with high added value fee, leaving other. Marco Pratellesi

What Is Kate Playground Up To

- A CCOUNT : is the virtual space of a user, with content and customizable features within a computer system with restricted access.

- AdSense is a Google service that provides targeted advertising, automatically scanning the customer's website and then making the relevant advertising content and target site.

- Large: is a software to receive news from multiple sources into a single space on your desktop through the use of feed.

- Audiweb: is a company that collects data on the audience online in Italy .

- BANNER: it is a form of advertising on the Internet can be either static or animated.

- BLOG form of writing online, which aims to establish a public diary.

- Blogosphere: all of the links between different blogs.

- Blogroll: is one of the sections in the blog that contains links to other blogs.

- Broadcasting is the distribution of data from a transmitter to a set of receivers is not defined.

- browser: Software that can display web pages, being able to interpret the HTML and turn it into hypertext.

- CITIZEN JOURNALISM: the reader an active role in process to select, report, analyze and disseminate news and information.

- COOKIE: fragments of text stored by your browser on your computer and used to store user information, authentication data, personal data entered into forms and to customize services depending on user preferences.

- COPYLEFT: rules that allow the consumer freedom by removing certain restrictions. While the copyright forbids, copyleft allows certain tasks, such as reproduction, modification or distribution of the work, with the restriction that each result is linked to the same copyleft.

- C opyright : all rules concerning the protection of works of creative genius, reserving the moral and economic rights to the author.

- E-BOOK: a book in digital format that is read by a dedicated electronic device, the e-book reader.

- E-MAIL: is a digital message transmitted by electronic means within computer networks.

- E-PAPER: It is an electronic display device that mimics the effect of ink on paper.

- FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions, information in the form of public responses to frequently asked questions.

- FEED: a unit of information formatted according to specifications (Genesis XML) determined previously. This is to make the content interoperable and interchangeable between different applications or platforms. A feed is used to provide users with a series of frequently updated content.

- FORUM: virtual place to share, discuss and store thoughts, opinions and experiences.

- FRAME: It is a package of bits that constitutes a unit of structured information. Web pages talking about frames when a page is broken down into different sections independent of each other.

- HOMEPAGE: the page that opens automatically when you start your Internet browser .

- HTML: Hypertext Mark-up Language, computer language used to structure content (text, images and hypertext) in a document. HTML documents are the basis of the web and are displayed by the browser.

- HTTP: Hypertext Transfer Protocol, protocol computer that serves to regulate the transmission of data over a network. His main field of application is the World Wide Web where web pages are made and then upload them into your browser.

- INDEXING: the set of processes by which a website is recognized by a search engine, contained in the database with certain keywords on the page and the proposed response to user queries.

- IP ADDRESS: It is a numeric string assigned to a device participating in a network whose nodes using IP to communicate with each other.

- hypertext digital document whose main feature is a reference ( link) to other documents.

- LINK: Hypertext is the basic element: a reference to another document which is directly accessible.

- Linkback: reporting a web page when one of its documents is linked by other authors

- LOGIN: how to access your personal space in a computer service.

- META DESCRIPTION: specific meta-tag that allows you to add a description on a website.

- META KEYWORDS: specific meta tags that allow you to add keywords to a website.

- META TAGS: HTML elements within a website containing information on the documents. Are visible to users only in the source code, but not in the browser.

- SEARCH ENGINE: a tool for finding information within the web, using keywords.

- narrowcasting: data transmission by a broadcaster to a well-defined group of users.

- NEWSGROUP: virtual discussion forum where you exchange messages on a topic defined.

- NEWSLETTER: newsletter distributed periodically e-mail.

- NewsTicker: means within a horizontal band websites (often in the head or under the main menu) flowing with the latest news in flash format.

- OCR: Optical character recognition is the translation, using scanner, images of handwriting or printed text into editable digital computer.

- Podcasting is a system that allows you to automatically download files (usually audio or video) podcast called, using a program ("client") usually free of charge called an aggregator or feed reader. A podcast is therefore a file (usually audio or video), made available on the Internet anyone who subscribes to a regular delivery and can be downloaded automatically by a special program called an aggregator, and is based on RSS feeds.

- POP-UP form of online advertising that will open in a new browser window.

- WEB PORTAL: multifunctional web site is a starting point for the user .

- POST is a text message, with the function of opinion or comment, made in a common area to be published on the Internet.

- SCROLLING: vertical scrolling of web pages on the screen.

- SERVER: computer (both as hardware or as software) that provides services to other network computers (called clients).

- SITEMAP: list of pages in a website. It is often organized tree to mimic the logical structure of the site and to facilitate navigation to the user.

- SOCIAL NETWORK: virtual communities that allow you to create a personal profile with which to contact other profiles.

- SPAM: unwanted email, usually with commercial content and advertising.

- STREAMING: it is a stream of audio / video data transmitted from a source to one or more destinations via a computer network. These data are reproduced as they arrive at their destination.

- TAG: is a keyword or term associated with a piece of information (a picture, geographical map, a post, ...), a video clip that describes the item and enabling classification and search of information based on keywords.

- TAKE: format used mainly by news agencies to describe a story that usually does not exceed 24 lines.

- TEMPLATE: structured graphical model used for the mass production of web pages or blog.

- URL: Uniform Resource Locator address that uniquely identifies a web resource and specify where it is located.

- USER GENERATED CONTENTS: various types of multimedia products by the users.

- username: the name by which the user is recognized by a computer, a program or service. Along with identifying the user's password is to access your account.

- WEB 2.0: the second generation of World Wide Web, characterized by the ease in the exchange of information, communication, interactivity and collaboration

- WIKI: web site that can be modified by all who want to participate: they are In fact users that promote and cooperate in the wiki content by adding, deleting or correcting information.

- XML: eXtensible Markup Language, metalanguage used to create new languages, which are used to describe structured documents according to the rules dictated by XML syntax.