Why does the Catholic Church has survived nearly 2,000 years of history, revolutions and wars? Certainly I do not know all the reasons, but one thing is certain: despite a conservative political and cultural background, the Church has been able to take advantage of technological innovation and communication. The first book printed by Gutenberg was the Bible, one of the first radio in Italy and Vatican Radio was now one of the best corporate websites is just what the Holy See. The site ( http://www.vatican.va/ ) is really well done, full of stylistic innovations: the home page already links to the pages are inserted into the porch of Bernini's Piazza San Pietro (perhaps a bit 'too vulgar as a choice). But what surprises me are the extensive functionality of the site: A page dedicated to the fundamental texts, information services, liturgical celebrations, the archive of the Popes, etc. ... peeking here and I also noticed a page in my opinion brilliant, meaning perception, imagination, intuition, decision and execution speed of idea (cited My Friends ): the biography accompanied by photographs and video of all the saints and blessed. In this way you can advertise a thing hardly advertised. Portraits, recent photos of the Saint, photos of the day of the beatification, make historical figures, distant in time and space for life and thought, to everyone, even of the less acculturated. And because the Internet a new medium used mostly by young people, representation of the Saints as a sticker album of players is one way (right or wrong?) to encourage even the kids today tend to be far from the church, religion.
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