Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Do I Know My Ringworm Healing

2 °

"In short, the most fascinating thing about Twitter is not what it's doing to us. It's what we're doing to it." It is probably all wrapped up in this phrase, taken from an article by Steven Johnson in Time this week, the secret of Twitter. That is not what Twitter does for us, but what we do for Twitter. It 's a paradoxical proposition, but it makes it a good idea of \u200b\u200bwhat they are ultimately making the social network: centralized time and interest. They have become a means of communication to the subject of communication, making reinterpretation of the famous theory of McLuhan, The medium is the message . But if the Canadian sociologist considered that the message undergoes changes depending on the medium used, now the meaning is much more concrete, since the media (Twitter, Facebook, etc ...) the real subject of the message.


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