What matters in fractals, not so much the resulting image, but the program: an infinitesimal small and a large infinitesimal. As we know science can not deal with different systems, but only of converging, as the first date can not be generalized, as for example the paths of the bifurcation diagram. All physics of chaos, however, was born on an assumption: a small change in the system to its initial state are large varaiazioni to the final state. In this way the presumption of Sciences about the predictability of jumping events: the event that you even a single event (single, non-regular, non-periodic etc.), you would create a hole in the system, the physical level may not be important, after all sciences are based on approximation and statistics, but a metaphysical level, things change, because it changes the idea of \u200b\u200bfounding itself ' universe, that to use the language of Deleuze, can be 'islands of regularity immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bchaos or chaos islands immersed in a sea of \u200b\u200bregularity', fattostà, however, that the network of science are laddered, everything becomes relative, because the islands are islands and therefore one can speak of absolute only within the boundaries of the islands. And perhaps it is no coincidence that the fall of the scientific system, physical or metaphysical, has brought to the islands of expertise: physics is not physics, but mechanical physics, nuclear physics, astro-physics, geo-physics, etc.. which are separated by chemical, engineering, etc.. The particellizzazione acts on the physical level of knowledge of this, and it works perfectly (or almost) until they start the system, until it widens the zoom, like google map, to the other islands.
The architecture is certain, concrete, artificial. But it must express their self-confidence, and then look at itself and past examples of similar things to himself, or rather should model on the nature, uncertain and wavering, Biology, or at least, of reality?
The ancient Greeks represented the chaos as the personification of the primordial state of emptiness from which they were born the gods. It 's interesting to note that' chaos' (tό χάος in classical greek) it means to tear, slit: the breaking of something (a crisis?) Which then give birth to the new world of the divine. In a sense, to go from chaos to the next step should be a lot of energy: the state of chaos is necessarily a staus very complex thing, which can easily be incomprehensible or even irrational; against the field to the next stage can be better understood (although maybe not quite) as choked by a previous grade exponentially more complex. The difference in the field is clear, and the problem again reduces to the problem of choice: choose to play with lego or the das.