"What science can achieve stated -Poincare, the French scientist-founder of the non-Euclidean geometries are not the things themselves [...], but only the relationships between things. Outside of these relations there is no knowable reality ".
The number is a symbol. Decade and its importance today is relativized: what matters is not to quantify (the universe, as in the Renaissance), but only relationship between the parties (the shape, see F. Bigotti in 'The mind that orders signs, ed. Arachne, 2009). Even in architecture, with the elimination of intermediate steps from design to completion-is obtained thanks to technology-CAM, the architect can well do without using numbers and going through a relational process cascade, so on a symbolic dimension " true "-that can easily accommodate other functions, etc.-forms can be obtained through scaling relations .1 .2 .3 etc. The reports assume the primary role in the design, AutoCad 2010 preview reveals new parametric functions, which allows authorities to act on transactions through parametric type 'equal, identical, parallel, orthogonal, aligned ', etc.. This implements the change occurring in the way of planning and designing the shape of the space as a relationship between the parties.
After all the artifice of the numerical symbol has its strength in a purely physical practice, in accounting, but transcending the metaphysical plane, any number is useless, which has not been an increase in knowledge, this is more true if you think the link with the logic, in which parameters are accepted as those of the Boolean true / false, or those of classical logic one, some, all, no one is, is not so. Even the greek architect Takis Zenetos had found that: "There is no invention. Innovation is the addition of information on what already exists, "putting a floor on the existing basis on which to steal information that already were there.
The level of abstraction achieved by the models built within a data processing, not after all have no relation to reality in this transport, finiteness and infinity are two concepts that clash. The theories of chaos, also gave a blow to science, claimed that its laws to generalize the whole system Universal, conceiving of a universe "created" in which scientists were able to identify the fundamental laws.
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