- Love and its meaning in the world
Rudolf Steiner
When this evolution in time we say that man must approach that might be called an understanding of the impulse of Christ, can arise in us thinking: what happens to someone who has not heard anything of the impulse of the Christ, who is not even a ... once heard the name of Christ? this will be lost for him the impulse of Christ, because it had not heard the name? need to know in theory that is called the impulse to penetrate the soul of Christ the power of Christ? We want to clarify the problem considering human life between birth and death.
The human being enters the world and in early childhood is half asleep. We must first learn to feel what I find as I, and our soul life will become richer in accepting everything through I will come to us. Approaching death, the soul life is rich and mature at best, and we can then ask the big question: what is our life blood when the body is missing? It is a particular feature of our physical life and the spirit in which the experience and knowledge of life that we take soul are increasingly important as we move towards death, and also the closest to death more and more certain qualities are lost and others are individually quite different. In youth we gather knowledge, life experiences do well, we just hope that we can later exploit. The closer we get to old age and more begin to love the wisdom of life. The love of wisdom is not selfish, because that love gets bigger the closer we get to death, increasing the extent to which hope to benefit from our wisdom becomes smaller. More and more we love this content soul.
The science of the spirit may at first even be a temptation, because man can think that the future life depends on the attainment of wisdom in this life. Very selfish beyond this life may well come from the science of the spirit, and is a danger. It may well happen that the spiritual science becomes a temptress in a soul that takes in a wrong way, this is the temptation of spiritual science, is in his being. It may be noted that the love for the wisdom of life presents itself as the flowering of the plant when it arrives. We can see that that love is for something that is in ourselves. Man has tried in various ways to raise more high understanding the impulse of love for something that is in him. We find for example at the mystical aspiration to build upon the momentum of selfishness in the sense of love for the wisdom to let it shine in a better light. Through the study in their own lives in their soul trying to find the divine spark, to hear their higher self as divine spark. In essence, however, the man, as the wisdom of life, just as the seed for his future life. It is like the seed after the plant has gone through the year. How is the seed, so is the wisdom of life: man goes to the door of death and the spiritual core of being mature is the seed for the future life. Man feels it can become a mystic and see how divine spark, something absolute, which is only seed for the future life. Is interpreted in this way because although we confess that it bothers us that only spiritual seed. Meister Eckhart and Johannes Tauler speak to him as God in ourselves, because they know nothing of reincarnation. If we grasp the law of reincarnation, we recognize the meaning of love in the world, individually and in general. With karma mean what in life is a cause and its effect in later life. In the sense of cause and effect we can not talk about love, not in the sense of an act of love and of his salary. This is a do and a reward for what has done, but this has nothing to do with love, acts of love are those who do not seek their reward in the next life.
Take, for example to work and therefore earn. But it may be different, that is to say that it works without any joy, because you are not working for a paycheck but to pay debts. We can imagine that you have already used what I now earn by labor. We prefer not to have debt, but we must also work to pay off debts. Now move this example to our general human action: everything we do for love is comparable to when we pay the debt! Given everything that happens to secretly love does not involve pay, but payment for goods already used. The only actions for which we have nothing in the future, are those we make for true, true love. Of this truth we might scare you. Luckily the people in his normal consciousness does not know anything. But in the subconscious knows all men, and therefore they do so reluctantly actions of love. This is why there is so little love in the world. Men instinctively feel that their actions will in future have no love for them myself. A soul must be very late in its development, for pleasure in the actions of love from which it itself does not receive anything. The impetus for this is not strong in humanity, but the occult can also buy some strong impulses for actions of love.
For our selfishness we have nothing from the actions of love, but the world has so much more. Occultism says: love is for the world that the Sun is the life of nature. No soul could no longer thrive in the world if there was love. Love is the only moral in the world. It would be absurd for someone who likes and is interested in growing flowers in a meadow, wished that the sun disappeared from the world? Translated to the moral meaning: you have an interest that a healthy development to flourish in human relations. It is wise to have spread as much love as possible on Earth, and it is wise to promote the love on Earth.
What gives us the science spirit? You know the facts of evolution Earth, it is to feel the spirit of the Earth, its surface and its changes, the future of the human body and so on, you get to know well that lives and weaves in evolution. What does this mean? What does it mean when people want to know nothing of the science of the spirit? It has no interest in what exists, because who does not know Saturn, who does not want to get to know the essence of the ancient Moon and Sun do not even know the Earth. It is crass selfishness and lack of interest have no interest in the world. Instead, you have to have human interest in all that exists. We want to love and then the Sun with its creative forces, with his love for the prosperity of the Earth and the human soul! Knowing the evolution of Earth, should be the spiritual seed for the love of it as a science of the spirit without love would be a danger to humanity. We should not preach love, it must go in and come into the world, if we spread the knowledge of spiritual things really. Science of mind and real acts of love must be one. The love that feeling, is the source for what you create, is born. Without love nothing more sensitive, there would be significant in the world without spiritual love nothing spiritual evolution was born. When we practice, when we exercise love, forces pour into the world of becoming, creative. Are we to justify it with the intellect? The creative forces have also caused while pouring in the world before us and of our intellect. Selfish we certainly can subtract the creative forces of the future, but we can not erase the actions of love and the creative forces of the past. Acts of love of the past we owe our existence. We are as strong as we are heavily indebted in the past, and how much love we can never develop it in payment of debts for our existence. Therefore include the actions of highly evolved as those more highly evolved has debts to the past. It's wise to pay its debts through acts of love. The impulse to love increases with the rise of man, but the purpose is not enough wisdom. We want to be so before the soul the meaning of love in the work of the world: the love we always refer to the debts of the past, and because we have nothing from paying the debts of the future, we get nothing for our actions of love . We must leave to the world our acts of love, but they remain inscribed in the cosmic spiritual events. We do not refine through our acts of love, but with our actions, but the world becomes richer, thanks to our actions of love, because love is the creative aspect in the world. Besides the love in the world there are two other powers. How can we compare the love? One is the strength and the other wisdom. For the strength we can speak of greater or lesser power, and omnipotence, so is the wisdom here too there are steps to the omniscience, the onnisaggezza. We can not speak in the same sense of love steps. What is universal love, love for all beings? In love, you can not talk to a crescendo, as a growing knowledge or power, up to omniscience or omnipotence. Through such a crescendo perfected our being. But not, if some or many things we love, and this has nothing to do with the perfection of our being. The love for all living things can not be compared with the omnipotence; the concepts of the large and growing well can not be applied to love. Can be attributed to the divine omnipotence, the predicate that lives and weaves through the world? Prejudices of feeling must be silent about it: if God is omnipotent, he would do all that is happening, and human freedom would be impossible. The omnipotence of God rule out human freedom! Divine omnipotence is certainly not exist if the man can be free.
The divine world is omniscient? Because the yearning for the divine likeness is the highest human goal, our aspiration should be the onnisaggezza. It is the highest good? If it were, at any time should open a monstrous gap between men and God which is onnisaggio. If so the man should at all times be aware of this abyss, that God has in itself the greatest good, the onnisaggezza, and prevents men and women. The omnipotence, the onnisaggezza are not the main qualities of the deity, but love, a quality that can not be increased. God is stuffed with love, pure love, as it is born from the essence of love. It is pure and sincere love, ultimate wisdom, not maximum power. God has kept the love, however, has divided the power and wisdom with Lucifer and Ahriman. He shared the wisdom with Lucifer and Ahriman with the power, so man could be free, and under the influence of wisdom to continue his journey.
If we try to deepen the creative aspect, we come to love, the basis of all life is love. Another impetus by the evolution leads to the beings become more and more wise and powerful. Perfection is attained through wisdom and power. We see the evolution of humanity as it modifies the development of wisdom and power: we have a progressive evolution, and then the impulse of Christ that once penetrated through the mystery of Golgotha. Love therefore does not penetrate into the world little by little, but streaming into humanity as a gift from the gods. Signed as a matter of love flowing within humanity; and the man can hold the momentum gradually. The divine impulse of love is single pulse, which we need for the Earth. .
True love can not decrease or increase. Love is something entirely different in nature from the wisdom or power. Love does not awaken any hope for the future payment of debt is in the past. Likewise, there is the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bin the evolution of the world. It was perhaps the gods in some way indebted to humanity? As a result of the influence
Luciferic penetrated a certain element in humanity, against which must be taken away something that previously existed. This new element entered led to the descending line, in which the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bopposed the option of canceling debt. The pulse of Calvary came not to take away the sins committed in our evolution, but that there was a counterweight to what had penetrated humanity through Lucifer. Imagine someone who knows nothing of the name of Jesus Christ, nothing of what is transmitted from the Gospels, but knows the difference between the radical nature of wisdom and power and of love. Such a man is a Christian in the true Christian sense, even if you do not know anything about the mystery of Golgotha. It is true Christian love knowing people who know that love will pay the debts and brings no benefit for the future. Understanding the nature of love means to be Christian! Solely through theosophy with 'karma' and 'reincarnation' selfish we become great, if not beyond that takes the impulse to love, the impulse of Christ as the only way to reach that exceeds the selfishness of Theosophy . You reach a balanced understanding of the pulse with the Christ. Since the theosophy is necessary to humanity, but today it is given. But that there is a serious danger that, if practiced Theosophy alone without the impulse of the Christ, the impulse of love, through theosophy in men is increased selfishness, and it grows beyond death. From this we must conclude that we should not study theosophy, but we must learn to recognize that understanding the essence of love is part of theosophy.
What happened in fact with the mystery of Golgotha? We know that Jesus of Nazareth was born, grew up as the Gospels show that the baptism in the Jordan was in his thirtieth year, which Christ lived for three years in the body of Jesus of Nazareth and brought to completion the mystery of Golgotha. There are many people who believe they have to expose the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bas humanly possible, he believes that action is to consider terrestrial terrestrial action. But it is not. Given the higher worlds, first of all is to see how the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bwas done on Earth.
We again consider the early evolution of terrestrial that of man. The man was then certain spiritual forces, then approached him Lucifer and so we come to the point of being able to say: the gods of progress gave their omnipotence to Lucifer so that man could be free. But he sank into the matter more than what was intended, escaped to the gods of progress, went further down to what was wanted. As the gods of progress can now bring the person to them? To understand this we must look to the assembly of the Gods and the Earth. For the Gods Christ performed the action to bring men to the gods. The action of Lucifer was performed in the supersensible world, the action of Christ is in the supersensible world, but also in the sensitive, a man could not do it. The action took place in the world of Lucifer supersensible. Christ descended to Earth, therefore, to do its work here, and men are the spectators of that action. Divine action, the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bis a divine fact that people are watching. The door of heaven is open, and on Earth radiates a divine action. Earth is the only event that is wholly supersensible, and there is no wonder that those who do not believe in the super-sensible, just do not believe the action of Christ. The action of Christ is a divine action that the tasks themselves. The mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bacquires its beauty and its unique significance and the men were called to be witnesses. It can not therefore find no historical record of that event because the men were seen only on the outside, the Gospels are written in a supersensible perspective, so it is easy to deny when you do not make any sense to the supersensible.
From one point of view, the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bis one of the highest spiritual experiences within the world. The action of Lucifer came at a time when man was still share in the supersensible world, the action of Christ took place in the midst of material life: it is a physical and spiritual. We can understand if the action of Lucifer, full of wisdom, let us consider the world. To understand the event the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bis not enough wisdom. We can have all the wisdom of this world, but the action of Christ remains incomprehensible to us, because to understand the mystery of Golgotha \u200b\u200bis necessary to love. Only when the love will flow in the wisdom and vice versa if going to their deaths when a man develops love of wisdom, you can understand the mystery of Golgotha. We need wisdom filled with love when we pass the door of death, because otherwise we die without wisdom imbued with love. Why do we need? Philosophy is love of wisdom. The old wisdom was not philosophy, because the ancient wisdom is not born of love but from the event. Not There is a philosophy of the East, but a wisdom of the East. The philosophy of love wisdom as he entered the world with Christ as we enter the impetus of the love of wisdom, with the impulse of Christ entered the world, the impulse of love. We now apply the same wisdom, the impulse of love.
The ancient wisdom that the clairvoyant is achieved through the event expressed by the high words of prayer primordial humanity: "Ex-deo nascimur We are born of God." This is ancient wisdom. Christ, who descended from the spiritual worlds, united by love of wisdom, it will prevail over selfishness. This is its purpose. But it must be taken independently and be free to be, so with that began the era of selfishness. The point of departure is the cosmic love, and it results in a spontaneous self-interest. But the impulse of the Christ, the impulse of love, in time will prevail over that force which divides and come into the world, and little by little the man can share in the power of love. With words like monumental feel the love you pour into the hearts of men by the words of Christ: "Where the two come together in my name, there am I with them." So that resonates in the ancient Rosicrucian the love and wisdom: "In Christ Morimur - In Christ we die." From
Jehovah's men were predestined to meet in group souls, to be gradually permeated through the love of blood kinship, as a personality live with Lucifer. Originally the men were then joined together, then diverged through the principle Lucifer encourages selfishness and independence of man. With selfishness in the world went wrong, and was bound to happen because without the bad you could not seize the property. Through the victory of man over himself, it offers the opportunity for the development of love. Christ brought the man, who was sinking into egoism, the drive for victory on himself and thereby the strength to overcome evil. And now, thanks to the action of Christ, are meeting those who had been separated from selfishness. So are true, in the deepest sense, the words of Christ speaking of the actions of love: "What you did to the least of my brothers you did it to me! '. That act of divine love and flow around the Earth, and gradually flow in human evolution, and despite the physical forces dying, quicken the spirit, not from selfishness, but only by the spirit of love " For spiritum reviviscimus sanctum - reborn through the Holy Spirit. "
But the future of humanity still consist in something else than love. Spiritual perfection is the goal for men more worthy to be achieved. The drama is described in my Proof of the soul, but who understands the actions of love will not see in their efforts to perfecting something to be said that this effort is not selfish. The closing is something by which we strengthen and advance our being, our personality. But we see our value to the world only in the actions of love, not in action for their improvement. On this we must not delude ourselves. If you try to follow Christ on the path of love for wisdom, wisdom that he seeks to serve the world, that is only so much that is impregnated with love.
Wisdom immersed in love at the same time enhancing the world and leads him to Christ, the love of wisdom but also excludes the lie, because lying is the opposite of the facts, and those who are open to the facts with love knows no lies. The lie comes from selfishness, without exception. When we have found love through the way to wisdom, we will also be entered to wisdom through the growing strength of the excess through selfless love. Thus man becomes free. The evil was the background in which the light of love could penetrate, but love makes sense to recognize the position of evil in the world. The light has become recognizable due to darkness. Only the free man can become a true Christian.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Spondylosis How Long Does It Last
Explanation of the ideogram Reiki
In this first part of the ideogram is represented universal energy REI: its meaning and symbolizes the whole of creation that surrounds us and lives plans and materials more visible to the energy, Spiritual and Divine. It is the manifestation of representation.
In this second part of the ideogram is represented KI: its meaning is personal energy, self interore, the individual self, that part of us that makes us unique in character, in 'express ourselves, in our understanding and in all manifestations of life.
brushed The first sign is the energy becomes matter, birth, creation, training of the sky from nowhere, the principle.
The two sections are to mean the energy that accumulates, the clouds that move, change, the chemistry of matter.
This more complex sign with the middle section is the lightning and the four dashes in the rain, the energy which flows to sustain the earth and its creatures.
These three signs are three openings that receive the food and thank the Divine Word who creates everything.
This sign is created by the Temple men to contemplate their inner sacred space and to thank the creator of the gifts bestowed on it.
These signs will be seeking again the idea of \u200b\u200bheaven cloud motion processing, but this time seen from the ground floor which dates back to the sky or the Divine as a reciprocal exchange, awareness of ' man who could not exist without the divine and vice versa.
This sign represents a grain of rice that is at the center of our being, and symbolize the divine essence of man his real nourishment, the seed is born thanks to the clouds, rain, the sun's energy, light, and thus nourishes our true essence.
The word chakra in Sanskrit means: vortex, wheel, disc. Chakras are rotating spirals of pure energy and their task is to incorporate the Universal Energy and distribute it to all our being through channels called meridians and nadis. The doctrine that has spread east knowledge in the Western world considers the Chakras as openings, access doors to the essence of the human body. The major chakras are seven (but there are many other minor, about a hundred, that "ideally" correspond to the acupuncture meridian points), and are positioned along the spine from the base of the tailbone to the top of the head. Each chakra is closely related to an organ, a gland of the endocrine system, and vibrational match colors, minerals, sounds, etc.. The 1st and 7th chakras are each having a one-way down the other up, while the other five have a front and a rear aspect. Part frontal chakra is related to the emotional aspect of the person, while the dorsal one linked to the will.
chakra balancing with Reiki
in Reiki chakra balancing is very effective and involves a full harmonization of being, can be applied as self-treatment that as a treatment. After centering el'accarezzamento aura is:
- the 1st and the 7th chakra
- the 2nd and 6th chakra
- the 3rd and 5th chakra
- 4th with both hands
ends with the caress of the aura, centering and thanksgiving.
must never be forgotten: Reiki is, above all, a meditative path to personal and spiritual growth and therefore does not replace traditional medicine (allopathic). The operator NOT Reiki treatment nor symptoms or diseases.
Each trainee will receive a further activation operator (canal cleaning and alignment of the chakras) which is essential to be able to use the Reiki symbols. In
seminar dates will be explained and experienced the keys and the symbols that will allow each candidate to send Reiki in the absence of the person to be treated, you will understand the concept (which is now increasingly confirmed by the studies of quantum physics) to be beyond space and time to rebalance and harmonize that space any imbalance of being in any sphere of life. Will be receiving all the essential information for anyone else to step up its evolutionary process of self-transformation.
This seminar itself does not exist. It is a process of study and practice the Reiki Master of the aspirant with your teacher, and when the candidate has reached that level will activate inwardly, the symbols and everything necessary for its path of Reiki Master.
NB if those instructions, initiations, symbols, etc.. will be given until the person has reached such a level is worth very little if not to create further confusion in the life of 'individual.
Explanation of the ideogram Reiki
Qu ia side you can see two representations
ideogram Reiki, dating back to an older
historical period of Mikao Usui, the other more recently.
In both cases
does not change the meaning.
In Japanese the character is the graphic representation of an idea and tells a story.
reading the character you will have the clear explanation of the meaning of Reiki. Let us now turn to a detailed analysis of the ideogram
Ancient, as a whole and in every single line.

In Japanese the character is the graphic representation of an idea and tells a story.
reading the character you will have the clear explanation of the meaning of Reiki. Let us now turn to a detailed analysis of the ideogram
Ancient, as a whole and in every single line.

chakra balancing with Reiki
harmonize and balance
of Chakras with Reiki

chakra balancing with Reiki
in Reiki chakra balancing is very effective and involves a full harmonization of being, can be applied as self-treatment that as a treatment. After centering el'accarezzamento aura is:

- the 1st and the 7th chakra
- the 2nd and 6th chakra
- the 3rd and 5th chakra
- 4th with both hands
ends with the caress of the aura, centering and thanksgiving.
Labels: 6- chakra balancing with Reiki
Introduction to Reiki
Reiki is an ancient technique rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan and is used to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual : this happens through the imposition of hands on the body and the use of universal symbols that are used to transfer energy through the funnel.
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and use. It does not take years of experience and practice, just to attend a two-day seminar where you learn the techniques, and is activated by cleaning and harmonization of energy channels Reiki universal energy, and is now able to channel and transmit this energy.
All the most ancient cultures know that this energy is present in all living things (people, animals, plants, minerals, etc..) And is closely related to our balance and our health.
We are alive because life force flows through us in our body and flows around it where there is a field of energy called the aura. This force flows in our bodies and our cells and helps them in their vital functions when there is no certain organs and tissues of the physical body are damaged. It is also responsible for our thoughts and our emotions and when missing here is that we receive negative thoughts and emotions.
thoughts and emotions, "negative" attack our energy field, enter our aura and cause disease (which is why it is important to think positive!). With his positive energy and its light Reiki restores balance to our energy field. This positive energy raises the vibratory level of our bodies and our aura, increasing our immunity.
Reiki purifies, strengthens and balances our energy allowing our life force to flow in us a natural and healthy. It cleans the body of toxins, soothes pain, reduces shock, affects the nervous system, calms the mind and emotions and at the same time relax and makes us feel good. It not only affects our physical body but also on our subtle bodies: emotional, mental and spiritual. And especially
creates in us a spiritual evolution and awareness of life.
Reiki also works on animals, plants, minerals, etc.. In short, we can use for anything because Reiki Reiki is a positive energy of unconditional love that comes from the universe is intelligent energy that knows where to go and where we are only "channels."
The beauty of Reiki is that you just do the centering and support the hands and the Reiki is there for us.
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and use. It does not take years of experience and practice, just to attend a two-day seminar where you learn the techniques, and is activated by cleaning and harmonization of energy channels Reiki universal energy, and is now able to channel and transmit this energy.
All the most ancient cultures know that this energy is present in all living things (people, animals, plants, minerals, etc..) And is closely related to our balance and our health.
We are alive because life force flows through us in our body and flows around it where there is a field of energy called the aura. This force flows in our bodies and our cells and helps them in their vital functions when there is no certain organs and tissues of the physical body are damaged. It is also responsible for our thoughts and our emotions and when missing here is that we receive negative thoughts and emotions.
thoughts and emotions, "negative" attack our energy field, enter our aura and cause disease (which is why it is important to think positive!). With his positive energy and its light Reiki restores balance to our energy field. This positive energy raises the vibratory level of our bodies and our aura, increasing our immunity.
Reiki purifies, strengthens and balances our energy allowing our life force to flow in us a natural and healthy. It cleans the body of toxins, soothes pain, reduces shock, affects the nervous system, calms the mind and emotions and at the same time relax and makes us feel good. It not only affects our physical body but also on our subtle bodies: emotional, mental and spiritual. And especially
creates in us a spiritual evolution and awareness of life.
Reiki also works on animals, plants, minerals, etc.. In short, we can use for anything because Reiki Reiki is a positive energy of unconditional love that comes from the universe is intelligent energy that knows where to go and where we are only "channels."
The beauty of Reiki is that you just do the centering and support the hands and the Reiki is there for us.
must never be forgotten: Reiki is, above all, a meditative path to personal and spiritual growth and therefore does not replace traditional medicine (allopathic). The operator NOT Reiki treatment nor symptoms or diseases.
Labels: 1-Introduction to Reiki
What is Reiki
The Japanese we "blame" can not fully understand the meaning of Reiki because we are too rational for their language that is based on assumptions and then the analog brain Right. But we will try to understand it also stimulates our intuition as well as our rationality. Maybe we will come to understand that it will not be exhaustive, but we try to perceive the essence.
In Japan, Reiki is a generic term that applies to all routes that use the Universal Energy of Life, and there are so many Reiki. What we know under this name should be more properly called the Usui Method of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho in Japanese), where Usui is the name of its discoverer, or rather, rediscoverers, since it is an ancient practice.
In Japan, Reiki is a generic term that applies to all routes that use the Universal Energy of Life, and there are so many Reiki. What we know under this name should be more properly called the Usui Method of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho in Japanese), where Usui is the name of its discoverer, or rather, rediscoverers, since it is an ancient practice.
The meaning of the word Reiki is divided into two syllables:
Rei : means Universal Energy;
Ki : it is the intrinsic energy of living things.
Ki : it is the intrinsic energy of living things.
From the point of view, more "practical", the set of Rei and Ki is reflected in the fact that the operator Reiki channels Rei Ki and directs in of itself (through "self treatment") or other creatures in order to give benefit.
The entire work, in short, is played by this Supreme Energy which, as such, once the greatest good of everyone and everything at all times in which we are immersed and with which we are connected well beyond what we can physically perceive.
It 'important to remember that the Master Mikao Usui, after reaching the' lighting, created a three-level alchemical path that passes through the purification, balance, harmony, centering, happiness, prosperity and awareness, thus giving the opportunity to all those who "want" to try to achieve this state of being.
In Reiki there are no rules, dogmas, creeds, and even less teachers to follow, can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, culture, experience, belief.
With the first level of Reiki you will learn to draw energy from the universe and you can consciously harmonize your chakras.
The entire work, in short, is played by this Supreme Energy which, as such, once the greatest good of everyone and everything at all times in which we are immersed and with which we are connected well beyond what we can physically perceive.
It 'important to remember that the Master Mikao Usui, after reaching the' lighting, created a three-level alchemical path that passes through the purification, balance, harmony, centering, happiness, prosperity and awareness, thus giving the opportunity to all those who "want" to try to achieve this state of being.
In Reiki there are no rules, dogmas, creeds, and even less teachers to follow, can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, culture, experience, belief.
With the first level of Reiki you will learn to draw energy from the universe and you can consciously harmonize your chakras.
Labels: 2-What does Reiki
The three levels of Reiki
Since its origin, when Mikao Usui rediscovered the Reiki, it was structured into three levels and passed down from teacher to student.
Each level is complete, as many people stop at the first level because the quality of vehicular Rei - Ki of people who have been activated at Level 1 is the same as anyone who has either the 2nd or 3rd level.
SEMINAR Level 1 Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
During the seminar you will learn to perceive and experience the energy. The student learns how to channel energy and use it to Rei and self-care treatments, the treatments are explained and made basic with all the hand positions, explains the history of reiki, chakras, the aura and (most important and indispensable) are performed on every candidate for the four activities, also called "clean energy pathways" essential to be able to flow the Reiki Universal Energy.
SEMINAR 2nd level Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
Each level is complete, as many people stop at the first level because the quality of vehicular Rei - Ki of people who have been activated at Level 1 is the same as anyone who has either the 2nd or 3rd level.
SEMINAR Level 1 Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
During the seminar you will learn to perceive and experience the energy. The student learns how to channel energy and use it to Rei and self-care treatments, the treatments are explained and made basic with all the hand positions, explains the history of reiki, chakras, the aura and (most important and indispensable) are performed on every candidate for the four activities, also called "clean energy pathways" essential to be able to flow the Reiki Universal Energy.
SEMINAR 2nd level Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
Each trainee will receive a further activation operator (canal cleaning and alignment of the chakras) which is essential to be able to use the Reiki symbols. In
seminar dates will be explained and experienced the keys and the symbols that will allow each candidate to send Reiki in the absence of the person to be treated, you will understand the concept (which is now increasingly confirmed by the studies of quantum physics) to be beyond space and time to rebalance and harmonize that space any imbalance of being in any sphere of life. Will be receiving all the essential information for anyone else to step up its evolutionary process of self-transformation.
This seminar itself does not exist. It is a process of study and practice the Reiki Master of the aspirant with your teacher, and when the candidate has reached that level will activate inwardly, the symbols and everything necessary for its path of Reiki Master.
NB if those instructions, initiations, symbols, etc.. will be given until the person has reached such a level is worth very little if not to create further confusion in the life of 'individual.
Labels: 3- The three levels of Reiki
Reiki Self-treatment
self treatment REIKI
love yourself putting
hands on the chakras
taking regular self-Reiki treatment and improves enhances your energy flow and expand their spiritual consciousness. Self-treatment is to 'harmonize the 7 main chakras by placing your hand for 3 minutes on each of them for an actual total of 21 minutes daily working on themselves, with minimal effort if you consider that the day consists of 24 hours! Self-treatment is an effective tool for prevention, enhances the effect of the immune system and body in general, accelerates the action of the normal processes of self-healing by providing relaxation and wellness is reflected in the physical, emotional and mental health.
A big benefit that we derive from the practice of self treatment, such as the practice Reiki treatments in general, is the fact that the treatment itself is an important type of meditative exercise. During the self-treatment, in fact, it creates a connection of mind, body, energy, breath, which helps achieve a natural state of rest, allowing you to live the here and now. Teach the mind to "not start" for his flights of fancy, he also learns to live the present, to cross the living situations and intense emotions that come without identifying with them. This attitude is of paramount importance as we can to reach our maximum health and centering. By entering this space you can save precious energy resources, it reduces stress and induces calm that is necessary not only to a state of mental well-being but also to an activity of introspection and personal growth can not be reached in meditative condition. It 'important during an auto-focus treatment on the flow of vital energy on their breath, the sensations of your body. All this therefore amounts to a powerful meditative exercise.
Do not forget that a self-Reiki treatment is always an exchange between REI and KI, between ourselves and the Divine energy and as such is the source of regeneration, purification, and nourishment.
A big benefit that we derive from the practice of self treatment, such as the practice Reiki treatments in general, is the fact that the treatment itself is an important type of meditative exercise. During the self-treatment, in fact, it creates a connection of mind, body, energy, breath, which helps achieve a natural state of rest, allowing you to live the here and now. Teach the mind to "not start" for his flights of fancy, he also learns to live the present, to cross the living situations and intense emotions that come without identifying with them. This attitude is of paramount importance as we can to reach our maximum health and centering. By entering this space you can save precious energy resources, it reduces stress and induces calm that is necessary not only to a state of mental well-being but also to an activity of introspection and personal growth can not be reached in meditative condition. It 'important during an auto-focus treatment on the flow of vital energy on their breath, the sensations of your body. All this therefore amounts to a powerful meditative exercise.
Do not forget that a self-Reiki treatment is always an exchange between REI and KI, between ourselves and the Divine energy and as such is the source of regeneration, purification, and nourishment.
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