Explanation of the ideogram Reiki
Qu ia side you can see two representations
ideogram Reiki, dating back to an older
historical period of Mikao Usui, the other more recently.
In both cases
does not change the meaning.
In Japanese the character is the graphic representation of an idea and tells a story.
reading the character you will have the clear explanation of the meaning of Reiki. Let us now turn to a detailed analysis of the ideogram
Ancient, as a whole and in every single line.

In Japanese the character is the graphic representation of an idea and tells a story.
reading the character you will have the clear explanation of the meaning of Reiki. Let us now turn to a detailed analysis of the ideogram
Ancient, as a whole and in every single line.

chakra balancing with Reiki
harmonize and balance
of Chakras with Reiki

chakra balancing with Reiki
in Reiki chakra balancing is very effective and involves a full harmonization of being, can be applied as self-treatment that as a treatment. After centering el'accarezzamento aura is:

- the 1st and the 7th chakra
- the 2nd and 6th chakra
- the 3rd and 5th chakra
- 4th with both hands
ends with the caress of the aura, centering and thanksgiving.
Introduction to Reiki
Reiki is an ancient technique rediscovered by Mikao Usui in Japan and is used to achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual : this happens through the imposition of hands on the body and the use of universal symbols that are used to transfer energy through the funnel.
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and use. It does not take years of experience and practice, just to attend a two-day seminar where you learn the techniques, and is activated by cleaning and harmonization of energy channels Reiki universal energy, and is now able to channel and transmit this energy.
All the most ancient cultures know that this energy is present in all living things (people, animals, plants, minerals, etc..) And is closely related to our balance and our health.
We are alive because life force flows through us in our body and flows around it where there is a field of energy called the aura. This force flows in our bodies and our cells and helps them in their vital functions when there is no certain organs and tissues of the physical body are damaged. It is also responsible for our thoughts and our emotions and when missing here is that we receive negative thoughts and emotions.
thoughts and emotions, "negative" attack our energy field, enter our aura and cause disease (which is why it is important to think positive!). With his positive energy and its light Reiki restores balance to our energy field. This positive energy raises the vibratory level of our bodies and our aura, increasing our immunity.
Reiki purifies, strengthens and balances our energy allowing our life force to flow in us a natural and healthy. It cleans the body of toxins, soothes pain, reduces shock, affects the nervous system, calms the mind and emotions and at the same time relax and makes us feel good. It not only affects our physical body but also on our subtle bodies: emotional, mental and spiritual. And especially
creates in us a spiritual evolution and awareness of life.
Reiki also works on animals, plants, minerals, etc.. In short, we can use for anything because Reiki Reiki is a positive energy of unconditional love that comes from the universe is intelligent energy that knows where to go and where we are only "channels."
The beauty of Reiki is that you just do the centering and support the hands and the Reiki is there for us.
Reiki is a very simple technique to learn and use. It does not take years of experience and practice, just to attend a two-day seminar where you learn the techniques, and is activated by cleaning and harmonization of energy channels Reiki universal energy, and is now able to channel and transmit this energy.
All the most ancient cultures know that this energy is present in all living things (people, animals, plants, minerals, etc..) And is closely related to our balance and our health.
We are alive because life force flows through us in our body and flows around it where there is a field of energy called the aura. This force flows in our bodies and our cells and helps them in their vital functions when there is no certain organs and tissues of the physical body are damaged. It is also responsible for our thoughts and our emotions and when missing here is that we receive negative thoughts and emotions.
thoughts and emotions, "negative" attack our energy field, enter our aura and cause disease (which is why it is important to think positive!). With his positive energy and its light Reiki restores balance to our energy field. This positive energy raises the vibratory level of our bodies and our aura, increasing our immunity.
Reiki purifies, strengthens and balances our energy allowing our life force to flow in us a natural and healthy. It cleans the body of toxins, soothes pain, reduces shock, affects the nervous system, calms the mind and emotions and at the same time relax and makes us feel good. It not only affects our physical body but also on our subtle bodies: emotional, mental and spiritual. And especially
creates in us a spiritual evolution and awareness of life.
Reiki also works on animals, plants, minerals, etc.. In short, we can use for anything because Reiki Reiki is a positive energy of unconditional love that comes from the universe is intelligent energy that knows where to go and where we are only "channels."
The beauty of Reiki is that you just do the centering and support the hands and the Reiki is there for us.
must never be forgotten: Reiki is, above all, a meditative path to personal and spiritual growth and therefore does not replace traditional medicine (allopathic). The operator NOT Reiki treatment nor symptoms or diseases.
What is Reiki
The Japanese we "blame" can not fully understand the meaning of Reiki because we are too rational for their language that is based on assumptions and then the analog brain Right. But we will try to understand it also stimulates our intuition as well as our rationality. Maybe we will come to understand that it will not be exhaustive, but we try to perceive the essence.
In Japan, Reiki is a generic term that applies to all routes that use the Universal Energy of Life, and there are so many Reiki. What we know under this name should be more properly called the Usui Method of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho in Japanese), where Usui is the name of its discoverer, or rather, rediscoverers, since it is an ancient practice.
In Japan, Reiki is a generic term that applies to all routes that use the Universal Energy of Life, and there are so many Reiki. What we know under this name should be more properly called the Usui Method of Natural Healing (Usui Shiki Ryoho in Japanese), where Usui is the name of its discoverer, or rather, rediscoverers, since it is an ancient practice.
The meaning of the word Reiki is divided into two syllables:
Rei : means Universal Energy;
Ki : it is the intrinsic energy of living things.
Ki : it is the intrinsic energy of living things.
From the point of view, more "practical", the set of Rei and Ki is reflected in the fact that the operator Reiki channels Rei Ki and directs in of itself (through "self treatment") or other creatures in order to give benefit.
The entire work, in short, is played by this Supreme Energy which, as such, once the greatest good of everyone and everything at all times in which we are immersed and with which we are connected well beyond what we can physically perceive.
It 'important to remember that the Master Mikao Usui, after reaching the' lighting, created a three-level alchemical path that passes through the purification, balance, harmony, centering, happiness, prosperity and awareness, thus giving the opportunity to all those who "want" to try to achieve this state of being.
In Reiki there are no rules, dogmas, creeds, and even less teachers to follow, can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, culture, experience, belief.
With the first level of Reiki you will learn to draw energy from the universe and you can consciously harmonize your chakras.
The entire work, in short, is played by this Supreme Energy which, as such, once the greatest good of everyone and everything at all times in which we are immersed and with which we are connected well beyond what we can physically perceive.
It 'important to remember that the Master Mikao Usui, after reaching the' lighting, created a three-level alchemical path that passes through the purification, balance, harmony, centering, happiness, prosperity and awareness, thus giving the opportunity to all those who "want" to try to achieve this state of being.
In Reiki there are no rules, dogmas, creeds, and even less teachers to follow, can be practiced by anyone, regardless of religion, culture, experience, belief.
With the first level of Reiki you will learn to draw energy from the universe and you can consciously harmonize your chakras.
The three levels of Reiki
Since its origin, when Mikao Usui rediscovered the Reiki, it was structured into three levels and passed down from teacher to student.
Each level is complete, as many people stop at the first level because the quality of vehicular Rei - Ki of people who have been activated at Level 1 is the same as anyone who has either the 2nd or 3rd level.
SEMINAR Level 1 Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
During the seminar you will learn to perceive and experience the energy. The student learns how to channel energy and use it to Rei and self-care treatments, the treatments are explained and made basic with all the hand positions, explains the history of reiki, chakras, the aura and (most important and indispensable) are performed on every candidate for the four activities, also called "clean energy pathways" essential to be able to flow the Reiki Universal Energy.
SEMINAR 2nd level Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
Each level is complete, as many people stop at the first level because the quality of vehicular Rei - Ki of people who have been activated at Level 1 is the same as anyone who has either the 2nd or 3rd level.
SEMINAR Level 1 Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
During the seminar you will learn to perceive and experience the energy. The student learns how to channel energy and use it to Rei and self-care treatments, the treatments are explained and made basic with all the hand positions, explains the history of reiki, chakras, the aura and (most important and indispensable) are performed on every candidate for the four activities, also called "clean energy pathways" essential to be able to flow the Reiki Universal Energy.
SEMINAR 2nd level Reiki lasts about 16 hours and is divided into two days.
Each trainee will receive a further activation operator (canal cleaning and alignment of the chakras) which is essential to be able to use the Reiki symbols. In
seminar dates will be explained and experienced the keys and the symbols that will allow each candidate to send Reiki in the absence of the person to be treated, you will understand the concept (which is now increasingly confirmed by the studies of quantum physics) to be beyond space and time to rebalance and harmonize that space any imbalance of being in any sphere of life. Will be receiving all the essential information for anyone else to step up its evolutionary process of self-transformation.
This seminar itself does not exist. It is a process of study and practice the Reiki Master of the aspirant with your teacher, and when the candidate has reached that level will activate inwardly, the symbols and everything necessary for its path of Reiki Master.
NB if those instructions, initiations, symbols, etc.. will be given until the person has reached such a level is worth very little if not to create further confusion in the life of 'individual.
Reiki Self-treatment
self treatment REIKI
love yourself putting
hands on the chakras
taking regular self-Reiki treatment and improves enhances your energy flow and expand their spiritual consciousness. Self-treatment is to 'harmonize the 7 main chakras by placing your hand for 3 minutes on each of them for an actual total of 21 minutes daily working on themselves, with minimal effort if you consider that the day consists of 24 hours! Self-treatment is an effective tool for prevention, enhances the effect of the immune system and body in general, accelerates the action of the normal processes of self-healing by providing relaxation and wellness is reflected in the physical, emotional and mental health.
A big benefit that we derive from the practice of self treatment, such as the practice Reiki treatments in general, is the fact that the treatment itself is an important type of meditative exercise. During the self-treatment, in fact, it creates a connection of mind, body, energy, breath, which helps achieve a natural state of rest, allowing you to live the here and now. Teach the mind to "not start" for his flights of fancy, he also learns to live the present, to cross the living situations and intense emotions that come without identifying with them. This attitude is of paramount importance as we can to reach our maximum health and centering. By entering this space you can save precious energy resources, it reduces stress and induces calm that is necessary not only to a state of mental well-being but also to an activity of introspection and personal growth can not be reached in meditative condition. It 'important during an auto-focus treatment on the flow of vital energy on their breath, the sensations of your body. All this therefore amounts to a powerful meditative exercise.
Do not forget that a self-Reiki treatment is always an exchange between REI and KI, between ourselves and the Divine energy and as such is the source of regeneration, purification, and nourishment.
A big benefit that we derive from the practice of self treatment, such as the practice Reiki treatments in general, is the fact that the treatment itself is an important type of meditative exercise. During the self-treatment, in fact, it creates a connection of mind, body, energy, breath, which helps achieve a natural state of rest, allowing you to live the here and now. Teach the mind to "not start" for his flights of fancy, he also learns to live the present, to cross the living situations and intense emotions that come without identifying with them. This attitude is of paramount importance as we can to reach our maximum health and centering. By entering this space you can save precious energy resources, it reduces stress and induces calm that is necessary not only to a state of mental well-being but also to an activity of introspection and personal growth can not be reached in meditative condition. It 'important during an auto-focus treatment on the flow of vital energy on their breath, the sensations of your body. All this therefore amounts to a powerful meditative exercise.
Do not forget that a self-Reiki treatment is always an exchange between REI and KI, between ourselves and the Divine energy and as such is the source of regeneration, purification, and nourishment.
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