Many people find that when they begin chanting Nam-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo, they feel very beginning more tired than usual, and later realize they have more energy than before. The cells that make up our bodies are in a constant state of renewal. They are on the move, expand and break, so they can reproduce. This constant movement is similar to a current energy in homeopathy is called the "flow of energy or life force".
The rejuvenation of our cells is affected by the alteration of the consistency of the circulating liquid in which, due to accomulazione of dead cells, toxins and excess is not eliminated sugar and fats that make the liquid thicker, dark and heavy. Consequently, the whole flow of the current cell is damaged or vibration and a jelly-like mellassa begins to form around the cells, creating a phenomenon of stagnation, which is a fertile ground for the root of the disease in the body.
When we start chanting Nam-Myo-Ho-Renge-Kyo, the sound has a vibration we emit a very focused and precise rhythm and a kind of impact on the body similar to the practice of mouth to mouth that forces life to fall in dying person. It 'been shown that the repetition of words produces a specific rhythm of breathing that allows smaller air spaces of the lungs and spread to maximize the exchange of oxygen in the blood in the veins of these organs. This increased activity produces heat. The combination of larger amount oxygen in the blood increased with the heat and vibration of the acting is acting on the cells and starts to dissolve the excess accomulato gelatinous substance around the cells, so that toxins are thrown back into the bloodstream and are eliminated. This is the reason why all experience an exaltation of our physical and psychological symptoms when we start acting and why we complain when there is said, "everything is coming out."
There is also a theory about the effect it produces at the recitation of the mouth and palate. The language slams on the palate, and the vibration is transmitted to all the surrounding tissues, including brain areas that receive information from our five senses (sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste), the "bow of the brain that controls our vital functions (breathing, heartbeat and blood pressure), and the pituitary gland, which is sometimes called" the director 's orchestra "because it regulates the functions of all the other endocrine glands of the body (thyroid, adrenal and sex glands). The pituitary gland stimulates other glands to produce their specific hormones and is in turn influenced by our emotional states, sent from the brain, in other words, there is an actual physical response to any mental stimulation, so that the whole organism, reacts in to protect or comply in connection with the outside world, in response to example, a feeling of joy or sorrow, a sense of danger or fear. Much research has been done devastating effect of stress and overproduction of adrenaline from the adrenal glands: we can be grateful to these glands during the normal course of events, as it allows us to react to unexpected hazards. But as we know, this function is more beneficial if we spend our whole life as being ready to react to danger, and that is what happens in a state of constant stress or anxiety or guilt. Indeed, it becomes very destructive and destroy is exactly what we do to ourselves when we have negative thoughts always clouded by the three poisons anger, fear and greed.
If this theory is correct, then the vibration of the drama will act on all of these glands, heart, lungs, veins, allowing them to blend in and take the right pace. The vibrations have an effect on the ache of our brain that receives information sensorea, and this may be the explanation of how the recitation purifies the five senses.
E 'was shown by experiments intended to explain the workings of acupuncture, shiatsu and dell'agopressione that form important pockets of energy along the spine that are normally blocked by tensoine and bad positions. When we pray, the vibration moves along the spine back (so it is important to keep your back straight) and acts on nerve endings, allowing the accumulation of free energy and purifying the messages are constantly sent to the brain.
The combined effect of all this is the acceleration of our thought process so that, when we begin to pray, we experience an influx of chaotic thoughts to mind. This allows us to identify our dominant pattern of thought and our attitude, and gradually learn to control and to liberate our minds from unwanted thoughts. The energy released becomes usable for the rejuvenation of the whole person in mind, body and spirit, and to allow him to clarify and achieve the goals of life.
Arianna Round (from the dashboard of the Great Spiritual Masters facebook)
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