The request for review of the process was rejected by the Board of Review on August 17 and September 27 the Court of Appeal also confirmed the sentence. The last hope for mercy was represented by the lawyer Clunet presented personally to the President Poincaré.
On 15 October, a Monday, Mata Hari, after the process was in a cell shared with two other prisoners, was awakened at dawn by Captain Thibaud, who informed her that the request for clemency was was rejected and urged to prepare for execution. He dressed with his usual elegance, assisted by two sisters. Then, at his request, the pastor Arboux dubbed it, wore a straw hat of Florence and of snow, was accompanied by Sister Marie and Sister Leonide, the pastor, Clunet Advocate, by Drs Bizard, Socquet, and Bralet gendarmes in the manager, where he wrote three letters - but the direction of the prison is not never sent - addressed to his daughter, Jeanne Louise, Masslov the captain and the Dutch ambassador Cambon.
Then three vans brought the procession to the castle of Vincennes, where, escorted by dragoons, came to half past six on a cold and foggy morning. Sister Marie's arm, he walked very firmly on place fixed for completion was cheered, as is expected from a squad that presented arms. Repeatedly returned the salute with polite nods, was loosely tied to the pole, refused the blindfold, he could lay down in front of his twelve foot back from the front which had been assigned the task of justice: one of them, according to rule, had the gun loaded with blanks.
Of the eleven shots, eight went to empty - the last of the military gallantry of France - a hit to the knee, one beside the third and glared at the heart: the sergeant gave Petey the neck an unnecessary blow. No one claimed the body, transported Institute of Forensic Medicine of Paris, sectioned, it was soon buried in a mass grave. Was kept his head that was stolen in the fifties, in mysterious circumstances, perhaps to serve the extreme and macabre relic.
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