In terms of eroticism, for many men the prostate massage can be a source of pleasure, a kind of the male G-spot, because prostate stimulation produces a very intense orgasm, often without direct stimulation the penis.
The prostate is 7:00 to 8:00 cm from the anus, so this practice requires delicacy and must stop at the first hint of pain. Massage is not recommended if acute prostatitis or prostate cancer. From the practical point of view, insert a finger (or an anal stimulator, similar to a dildo) in the anal cavity.
Warning: a prostate massage can produce too frequent and persistent prostatitis, rather than cure! Moreover, if, after a prostate massage you experience blood in urine or semen, you should seek medical attention immediately.
can also be reached from the rectum, it is perceived as a rounded protuberance pointing to the front of the body at about 6cm deep inside the rectum.
The best way to reach it from the rectum is to insert the middle finger and slide it along the inside wall until you hear the outline. That is the prostate.
Just behind and above it there is a roughly triangular-shaped lump - which is the lower part of the seminal vesicles. In them is produced and accumulated most of the fluids that make up the semen. Under the seminal vesicles is the pulla.
During sexual arousal, sperm and lubricants accumulate in these glands backing up behind valves in the ejaculatory ducts. When the pressure reaches a certain level, the valves open and the urethral bulb fills, triggering the ejaculation reflex to and muscular contractions of orgasm which empties the glands. The seminal vesicles, the ampulla and prostate can also be emptied by massage of these glands practiced from the rectum.
rhythmically massaging the body with a constant movement through the middle finger or index and middle fingers together, well lubricated, to apply a slow and intense massage the glands inside the rectum. The massage will force the seminal fluid and sperm to pass valves in the ejaculatory ducts and empty the prostate (which is discharged directly into the urethra). If arousal is low and there is no stimulation of the penis during prostate massage, ejaculation will not lead to orgasm. Once you start
ejaculation forced to help emptying the urethra can rub your finger from the base of the glans penis, pushing the semen through the duct to replace the muscular contractions of orgasm.
If you want to cause an orgasm understood you just need to play fantasy
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