say negative thoughts and negative emotions is to say practically the same because it is the thoughts that cause feelings. It 'important to learn to control negative thoughts because they are the main cause of suffering. Everything depends on the quality of your thoughts! If for example I think of a bad time of my life produces a negative emotion that causes me pain, but if I think about a pleasant experience of my life that I feel positive emotion produces joy.
Negative thoughts are all that separate us from the others: the dislike, distrust, suspicion, resentment, hatred, jealousy, envy, cruelty, anger, anxiety, agitation , greed, impatience, intolerance, etc.. In contrast, positive thoughts create union with others and they are: the sympathy, trust, kindness, forgiveness, love, understanding, compassion, generosity, solidarity, peace, patience, flexibility, gratitude, and so on. In short, the negative thoughts are the loss of trust and love that causes the fear of living, while positive thoughts are a reflection of trust and love and therefore the absence of fear. The fear is precisely the absence of love and trust in our own strength. It should, however, immediately clear that only the excess of fear is pathological because it is normal, useful and important to warn fear, perhaps even a strong fear in the face of real dangers. Unfortunately, the excess of fear comes mostly from imaginary dangers or hazards dall'ingigantire true, which occurs in the presence of an ego fragile, and this happens when you are slaves of programs acquired early unconscious which is automatically released. In fact, the fundamental difference between the positive and negative thoughts is that they are involuntary or spontaneous, that is alone, while positive thoughts are voluntary and therefore require an effort on our part to produce, at least until we are used to produce them automatically. Negative thoughts are also often compulsive or coercive in nature and are therefore neurotic, that are caused by the mismatch environment. It must be said that the negative thoughts, coming directly from the unconscious or instinctive self, are in sharp contrast to our conscious and rational part (otherwise it would not be negative). But why give us pain? Negative thoughts make us suffer because we consider them our work incorrectly, that we identify with them and with the emotions that follow, we believe that to be true, we believe that those thoughts correspond to reality, but instead are unreal, and because There are unreal scary: in fact are the ghosts of our minds. When we identify with something of which we are dominated, we become slaves we do not get rid of, and what makes us suffer. So it is very important to get out of the mind (ie from the attacks of the past and anxieties for the future) and live in reality (ie in the present) where there is suffering because suffering is almost exclusively a mental fact. It is not what happens to us that makes us feel good or bad, but the way we perceive the facts and how we react to them. But what produced the negative thoughts? And what is their function? The function of thought is to solve problems, to resolve outstanding issues by finding the most appropriate solutions. Thoughts are the product of our unconscious memory (or just unconscious). Thoughts are caused by a drain voltage or electricity. For example, if we suffer a wrong absurd and painful, as we continually think in our unconscious, or rather in the neural circuits of the brain, has created a buildup of negative emotion in the form of real biochemical molecules, which must be discharged, and their elimination produces recurring thoughts. So thoughts are the result of the excessive voltage and serve to reduce it, and it is clear that the greater the voltage, the more troubling are the thoughts that conseguono.Per fully discharge the accumulated tension (stress), thought should follow the action, but as it is can kill the enemy, and you can not punch the boss or who has criticized us and hateful people, and you can not solve the nagging problems, let alone find a hidden treasure or winning the lottery ... a large sum, the Tension remains in and continues to grow, causing the brooding thoughts of negative self-replicating and feed themselves. When the brooding fails to relieve the tension, then the pressure increases becoming severe anxiety and fear itself in some patients leads to panic, the symptoms of paroxysmal final discharge voltage and the subject is good at least for a time . The tension can be compared to heat energy that heats the water in the pot (mind) that evaporates slowly (act of thinking) until the water starts to boil (panic) making out (from the pot / mind) because of the high pressure (causing tachycardia and sweating). All things that happen to us - such as fears, losses, failures, criticism, aggression, joy, etc.. - Are recorded in our unconscious memory with all the emotion that accompany them, and therefore the stronger emotion, the more often you play the same thought because it takes more time to unwind. When we're calm because we are not there any negative thoughts to haunt them. Now, since it is the workings of the mind that produces the negative thoughts that cause suffering, we must try to get rid of voluntary exchange with positive thoughts, to suffer as little as possible. Here the importance of positive thinking! (And here the importance of a sense of self - also known as self-esteem or self-image - not restricted to, non-ordinary, but high or higher). But obviously it is not easy to replace the negative thoughts that are automatic and involuntary, with positive ones that require a voluntary effort on our part. If it were easy, we quickly get rid of suffering and unhappiness. However, you can replace those negative thoughts to positive, just like you can replace the negative habit with a positive habit: of course it takes time and method. The first thing to do is to remove power to negative thoughts, reminding us that are automatic and involuntary, that is not dependent on us and not we who produce them and therefore we should not identify with them, which means we do not consider them real, actual, specific: in other words, we must detach ourselves from them. Looking at our negative thoughts in a detached way, as if that were not ours, they are exorcised, neutralized, devirilizzati, weakened, thus breaking the cycle of their self-empowerment that occurs when we consider them as true and real. But is it really possible observe their own thoughts in a detached manner? It is possible, provided that prior to control the mind we must remember that calm the body. And how do you calm your body? The body can relax calming breath. We must focus on breathing and having full knowledge. Get used to concentrate on breathing several times a day we come to not even think of anything else to think about nothing, that we get the mind blank, which means rapid liberation from neurons voltage and stanchezza.Infatti, negative emotions such as 'anxiety, worries, fear, etc.. tend to reduce their breath - there is even panicky feeling of suffocation! - Making it very shallow and therefore not effective, which causes fatigue and stress as a function of respiration is precisely to provide energy to cells throughout the body in a continuous and regular. Instead, positive emotions such as joy, laughter, and so carefree. release and stimulate the muscles of breathing becomes deep or abdominal, and this obviously makes us feel more vital. Try it and 'the fact that when we run or we are forced to flee or fight (under the influence of an adrenaline rush), the breathing becomes very fast and deep - the diaphragm deflects - just because you have to provide a lot of energy to muscle and arms (the oxidation of sugar is more quickly). By often a few deep breaths and slow, and introduce more oxygen into the lungs and blood, and calms the mind and body by providing the vital energy needed, and at the same time we download the metabolic wastes (mainly CO2), and so magically disappears and the tension fatigue. In this way, automatic thoughts are no longer tense, are no longer virulent, but weakened, and therefore are not able to get depressed and keep us male.Una Once you have the mental void by concentrating on your breathing, it is easy become detached observers of their negative thoughts and emotions of the match and then, at that point, we can replace the negative thoughts, now devitalized, with those positive and empowering antagonists, such as with a mantra. A mantra is a phrase repeated often with emotional intensity, and its effect of repetitions and the involvement of the five senses, can easily reach the unconscious becoming a very powerful suggestion. (Basically you create a new route quickly neuronal). The unconscious, moreover, is more easily reached thanks to the conscious breathing as the waves pass from the brain of waking in beta form which is very conscious, to form the pre-alpha sonno.In conclusion, control of negative thoughts get "balanced" properly with positive thoughts. This is because negative thoughts are spontaneous and automatic (unconscious) and can not be eliminated in any way, nor prevent! It should not be criminalized, and especially should not be ignored by hiding its head in the sand because, just as feeling inadequate, inefficient, incompetent and failed sooner or later leads us to roll up our sleeves and make the leap! In fact, the significant leap forward always comes only after a crisis, never during the periods of the carefree life! And it is true that over the years, the falls are usually less numerous and less frightening experience gained and increased carrying capacity of sofferenza.Ma is now known that cultivate thoughts sad makes lasting sadness, joyful thoughts while having increased the joy and lightheartedness. In short, the negative thoughts have a true nocebo effect, as opposed to those that have a positive placebo effect because in both cases, the thoughts are self-suggestion, ie commands or signals for our inconscio.Pertanto, we complain more and more of the Things continue to go wrong because we focus on the negative rather than positive, ie there autosuggestions negative. Now, as only light can dispel darkness, so every bad thing can be expelled only with its antidote. This means that we should not focus on it - because it happens everything to me, because I'm in this state, because they are so unfortunate because they are sick because they are out of work, etc.. - Because it's like to sink the knife in the wound and torture unnecessarily without finding the solution to our problems. Instead we must think about "how to" remedy "as" drive out the darkness from our lives: we need to focus on light, or vividly imagine that he is already beyond the tunnel! Focus on how to solve problems rather than on why certain things happen to us makes us go programs that generate automatic and unconscious negative thoughts and accounting for approximately 90% of our reality, aware that attention allows us to be present in the here and now and then leads us to think positive thoughts, which as we said at the beginning, are volunteers, for example, the creative imagination and mantra.Prestare attention to what you're doing, rather than to deal with the pilot automatic is the only effective way to counter the bud the emergence of fear and negative thoughts are caused by unconscious influences, that is the limiting beliefs acquired in childhood and that preoccupies our lives even adulti.L ' conscious attention should be paid also and above all to love yourself always, acceptance and approval, even when things do not go well, because it is when we are discontented with ourselves that there is the fear of not succeeding!
(Pasquale Foglia from the dashboard of the great spiritual teachers in Facebook)
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