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, sex and marriage crisis
Sexuality and marriage crisis
Sexuality and intimacy are important ingredients of the couple's relationship and indices of well-being of the report. Sexuality and intimacy are closely linked and each complements and enriches the other.
The intimacy is an emotional bond that involves sharing, mutual acceptance of differences, acceptance of the possibility that other things come into contact with our vulnerability, often concealed by a forced suitability, the freedom to express their feelings without fear of doom: the willingness to tolerate an intense bond and important expose us to the possibility of experiencing pain or hurt the other, a mutual emotional exchange, open and defenseless, based on trust and the desire to do 'Another participant of our experiences.
should be made, however, an important clarification on the meaning of intimacy, as is often the subject of misunderstandings: this bond is not based on 'equality of feeling "of two people, a sort of fusion between the two union partners, but is based on respect for differences of partners, compliance with which disposes us to welcome "the way of thinking of the other ", to share with him / her" our feelings "and give birth to a new possibility of relationship that involves the contribution of everyone and that, for the spontaneity and naturalness with which unfolds, it becomes enriching, enriching, rewarding and creates mutuality, or the sense of "we."
Intimacy is an important aspect of sexuality of a couple consolidated, as it provides the sexual partners to live in the area more fully, uninhibited, authentic.
Very often it happens that those couples who enjoyed a relationship at the beginning of intense sexuality, rewarding in frequency and intensity, with time, they see more and more compromised this delicate and important part of their report, with great pain or discomfort, expressed in different ways, by both partners.
Sometimes neither of them can understand exactly what are the reasons which have led to a deterioration like this part of the report once preserved from any threat and a source of great satisfaction, but now it is neglected undermined by a thousand other commitments and priorities that, somehow, seem to have more relevance to the possibility of being together.
While eroticism, strictly speaking, is temporary and intended to result in orgasm, sexual intercourse, sexuality instead of torque, it has a broader significance in the relationship dimension in the past, present and future and is a metaphor of the covenant between patners .
For this reason it often happens that sexuality is the site of many battles, without the two contestants they understand what the real reasons why they entered the war, but the knowledge that the most obvious concerns the aridity of their threatened by sexual victimization, resentment, low blows, waste, abuse of power.
When you switch from being in love them to a more stable and consolidated, including sexuality and the two partners changes relate differently to each other and the outside world: the other becomes "my "but not in the sense of mere ownership:" my "husband," my "wife in a context more broadly. As is emphasized
Vella and Solfaroli Camillocci, in came a new form of awareness: "... the new situation leads to the mastery of the other [and] as the main vehicle of this sense of mastery of the other is the repeated experience of union cooperative of the two bodies in achieving a shared satisfaction, it seems inevitable that this vehicle is affected by its repercussions, whenever life events bring together this sense of mastery in crisis. "
The critical events of the life of a couple are multiple and take on a different resonance depending on the meaning of that line for partners, or families of origin, and the value they attribute to him: cohabitation marriage, pregnancy , neogenitorialità, successes or failures in business, economic, social, death, old age ... ...
In many cases, couples are based on illusory expectations on the report and on the other, inspired by the basic premise that, if rejected by their partners, generate such a discrepancy between what was imagined and what is the lived reality, disappointed that the person experiences more or less explicitly grudge , disillusionment with partners to feel cheated or abandoned / o.
The feelings experienced by everyone, within the report, are numerous: frustration, loneliness , resentment, anger, emptiness, indifference, rejection, doubts, feeling of being misunderstood and could no longer share their emotions with each other, surprise and disbelief the current situation, a sense of helplessness mainly due to the fact that, force yourself to "restore the health" of sexual forcibly, that does not compromise it even further and deprive it of the spontaneity and naturalness that make it enjoyable.
In these cases, external assistance as a couples therapy, offers the possibility of a more limited space for all those reasons contention that, if they remain buried, they could be diverted underground in that area so that, first of all, characterized the bond of togetherness: the sexual sphere. It acts as a bonding agent when there is clarity in the rules of bargaining Report and tolerance of differences; acts as a corrosive force that breaks down and when some of the reasons for conflict, which is natural and physiological would be created on the couple's relationship, however, remain unexplored and, for several reasons, it avoids facing directly.
Source: Dr. Maura
This article highlights the need to have psychological and often one partner develops and exercise without being the least aware that this may cause symptoms and psychological problems of man or woman who undergoes it. The possessive behavior may occur not only in sexual relationships of type but often have a way very incisive in the couple's relationship. What therapy isSunday, March 1, 2009
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poor, sex
What causes really bad sex in addition we already know?
Times have changed ... We are in another dimension we just hope not to be the pawns of larger forces that control us so that the dependence of the virtual world that we can not develop psychologically devastates us in our sex.