Saturday, March 28, 2009

Flat Warts Verruca Plana


C 'it's no doubt that the architect is called to do: a choice. Even before St. Thomas (1225-1274) the issue of free agency has assumed a central role in society. Even the architecture as a work of man (and society), it houses a theme, that is, the subjective and personal choice: a certain kind of choice and sometimes the courage to keeping it up, scored the success or failure of the architectural work. Especially in humanism, in which all the fields in the man becomes the central subject (it makes the 'Vitruvian homo faber), placing in his hands (in his choices so) the fate of the universe: it is no coincidence - dare say-that the Renaissance marks the birth of the "string-star", the architect becomes the mediator between the world of ideas and matter, in a sense becomes the demiurge platonic! The technical skill of the architect will have to marry the ideas, then transferring to build an information value as well pointed out, Professor Wise who sees the information carrier of value added . The big choice, naturally lead to the search of its limits, research often becomes established and then becoming a movement traditions, impact on all the historical period following . The field of research is often designed with some unease, as he moves into a dark field with the bright torch of rationality investigating land unknown, the insinuation of the fear of the unknown, implies a rejection of the new positions, one does not want to look ahead while remaining firmly rooted in the past. But when research revealed to him at the door of a novelty item, it spreads unstoppable, creeping like a river in flood, uprooting trees are rotten old and still a company, and it is no coincidence that the new ports come always (or almost ) young. Seneca, he noted that "those who want (or adhering to the will of fate) are conducted, those who do not comply are torn (or compelled by force to join)" where the fate is the relentless advance of the new.

The avant-garde of the twentieth century were those that most were able to cut the bridges with the past, to distance themselves from managed to take a fresh look, the more distant and therefore more historically critical. If the architects of 7-800 were (to paraphrase Bernard of Chartres) "Standing on the shoulders of giants", those of the last century (and even more his contemporaries) are instead to sail in a huge open sea, where the choice has become very personal and technical capacity limitations were dilated (virtually) indefinitely.

The illusion of objectify the architectural choice (whenever it arose, such as in the Renaissance, rather than in modern times) in fact led to choose a range of solutions, and above all to impose propia choice to others, to objectify, to the point that Le Corbusier warns us in his Vers une Architecture that "There is no plant litter, arbitrary," and then added the track regulator that it is a "guarantee against the arbitrary." The will is therefore seen by Le Corbusier (but not only) as something to avoid, coming to dictate its famous five points. Then let us remember the famous formula of Mies van der Rohe's "less is more ", which proposes an architecture tank, sometimes cold, almost mechanical; but perhaps, after all, may be right when Oscar Wilde said that "nothing is more necessary than superflu or ...

picture: the design of the Palm Island Dubai

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pokemon Leaf Green Gameshark Cheat Vba Mac


short post on some considerations of the meeting in the gallery "As if "San Lorenzo, compared to the intervention of the artist Constantine A. Morosin.

's art is Morosin suggestive, he inspired by the new technologies of geo-referencing, the use in an entirely new way, searching (it must be said) to an art form. His SIGNA reminded me of the Adamic event detection and attribution of the constellations of signs and their meanings. In the same way our ancestors with the "nose", Morosin does cross the globe by the "signs" of his art. At first it may seem pretentious to use the GPS, but then you notice like in this technology (it), give very interesting implications, not at all trivial, and as he points out are still just the beginning. This study alone, we could define pioneering all'incoprensione addition of others and to a probable skepticism, I bring to mind old (and new) American architect Gehry allegations about well-known question, whether or not he is an architect rather than an artist, a sculptor. And again, I am reminded in mind also the city of culture in Galicia, designed by Eisenman: there is trying to become landscape architecture with its organic shell, which are established in the English hills (the relationship between nature and architecture and that Morosin becomes between art and nature). In all this talk, I think it is possible to identify at least two wires that are intertwined: one is the landscape, which changes the meaning of looking for a promotion and as pointed out by Prof Wise, this new concept of landscape "flips the subjective and objective in the idea of \u200b\u200bforeignness in interiority." Linked to this is the other: a new awareness that the earth (the whole) is controllable, so as to allow the construction of super-sculptures, like Morosin that is certainly the largest (at least dimensionally) form art that mankind has ever conceived and produced. Similarly the introduction of perspective in the fifteenth century, for which space is measured, so controlled and knowable and therefore controllable-i sitemi GPS georeferencing they got us into a new definition of space, in which dots the dots Morosin figures (think almost like fractals) we are: an art form that some man comes to space and back to man.

picture: one of the famous figures of the Peruvian Nazca site
video: I propose a new funny video on Google Map technology

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Spinning Bikes Squealing

Yesterday I thought the concept of balance and reflecting how, in physics, the destabilization of a balanced zero-state, can be traced back-through passages of varying length-to a new state of equilibrium, different from the first, a state x, which can be destabilized again and find a new balance in conformation x2 and so on. For several centuries it was considered that it was zero, there had been kindly handed down through the ancient tradition, to find a more perfect, "good and beautiful"-Vasari-how would the models from which to draw (or types), free of problems, especially formal, in fact bound to change the architecture on the subject. But however, there are different "forms" of balance, which can and should search for the architect, not to trivialize this research but recognizing the complexity for-like Aldo Rossi said "not fall idiocy." Having the "equal weight" does not mean flattening, minimalism, avoid emerging elements, but rather that the search for the good Lean Baptist, identified in concinnitas (elegance, sophistication, harmony). Certainly, over six hundred years ago that something has changed, if only the vanguard of the early twentieth century, architects have uprooted from the brains of those pre-built forms, which has become exoskeletons behind to escape the terror of the crisis, still in the station in Milan of 1931 sought to contain the impending radical change.

The loss of secure bases from which to start, it was a leap of faith that, with all the risks it entails-enabled architecture to fly: a courageous act that the crisis had prepared the ground. Losing, however, that certainty, that defensive shield, which forced the architecture to autocriticarsi and to identify different paths to follow: the enormous classizzazione that industrial society had led an individualized, but will gradually until the birth of true democracy and of ' man and woman (specifically to emphasize the importance of the event fimminile emancipation, made of epochal importance) as individuals. The twentieth century has been a very eventful, rapid changes in, and perhaps will be remembered as the century of change. Today, children of a dual-industrial revolution and information-most of that time will be required and the central question of the balance, having no more than practical formulas that allow the architectural success of the operation, nor posters to follow, but each project will be a challenge to himself, in a search that continues, as we said, can no longer designed to detect a steady state par excellence, but one among many possible.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Trailfire Track Length


A lesson we talked about modernity, in the words the French philosopher and sociologist Jean Baudrillard, who called it that "the crisis is a value, a moral contradictory, and raises an aesthetics of rupture". It 'a definition that certainly unusual chronological or qualitative and are used to thinking, but that studies with more attention, captures their true essence. This quick formula binds to the crisis of modernity, in the sense required, or where in the first post I spoke of the "background noise" to describe the existing state of things, which allows the invention of the instrument, similar here-the buzz- is the crisis, and what flows from it-if-achieves the intent of the definition is modernity. Value, moral contradictory aesthetics of failure, they are words that evoke something to do with the avant-garde, a carrier of the extreme character of modernity. Them, starting with feelings of opposition (to the detection crisis) and experimental (symbol of a search is no longer assigned to the dogmas of tradition, and-in the words of Renzo Piano-crosses paths never beaten before), have identified ( probably marks the point of no return) an item that, by the CIAM conference today, was decisive: the dynamic, the dynamic (as opposed to static) that has penetrated not only in the "form" of things, but also in their material and spiritual substance.

If the dynamism stems systematically by the advent of machines in human life and, by unprecedented speed, then today, participants in the Third Wave (identified by futurist Alvin Toffler) with speed, barely images, software and with the advent of a new reality, the virtual one, then the concept of dynamism acquires a new force, probably not yet fully tested. And as Patrik Schumacher recalls writing about the nature of avant-garde, this "is to go beyond what you know and bring their proposals in the collective process of provocative testing in a more raw form, without wait for the entire cycle of experimentation, variation, selection, optimization and refinement is able to offer complete and precise results and secure. "

If the definition of dynamism that we have today (such as intensive movement, transformation , renewal) is affected by the events of a century ago (as mentioned above), this argument has much longer roots, coming to university greek. There was in fact in it, a real dynamic world (comparable to contemporary architecture without fear ) do not mean (obviously) to the Greek architecture, which remained almost unchanged for several centuries (such as Le Corbusier called the Parthenon-over machine-like emotions that change applied to the standard), but rather to point attention to the world of sculpture. I have in mind for example the group of Menelaus supporting the body of Patroclus, rather than the frieze of the Pergamon altar, where there's bas relief sculptures addirittua to become, in just two examples we can see how the Hellenic world to feel much more free-in-architecture to investigate dynamic effects, emotional.

back to periods closer to us, including the 1916-30 Russian formalism is developed, within which moves the writer Viktor Shklovsky proposes a poetics that no longer based on mimesis, but sull'ostraneine (The defamiliarization) doing odd. The aim of the poet is to fight the habit and familiarity, making "strange" the "normal". This reacts to what is the standardization of the industrial revolution, but an interesting concept is inherent and subtly dangerous, strange to say outside the norm (from extraneus , alien), to the tradition, which is not recognized as familiar, So break the rules. But we felt, and rightly so brilliant Zaha Hadid that "not enough to say or do anything as long as different from the norm," but the challenge to the habits, the development of a discovery, analysis changed from critical to serious investigations (Perhaps as suggested by Tolstoy, estrangement, to describe objects and events as if for the first time you saw) as well as carry out many of the avant-garde architects (the same architect as in Iraq) through very precise designs.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Carbon Monoxide Detector Near Oven


The first lesson in the course of Prof. Wise was exciting and surprising-to-staff level. I was surprised that-as in those puzzles that are to reconstruct a picture by connecting the numbered points-some thoughts I had already independently developed, not only were present in class, but they also found a "framework metaphysical "achieving greater clarity. I am referring for example to the historical reconstruction of Galileo's telescope, especially to Brunelleschi, who I immediately connected the advent of perspective, having understood the enormous revolution (that Zevi had presented in his book the seven invariant architecture, with a nice vignette). It 'obvious that the invention of an instrument as strong as that of perspective, was the son of the background noise, an existing high-temperature fire at the end, and-like fire-suit the state of things, winning the modernity that we talked about in class. Among other things, Le Corbusier also mentions the problem of the instrument, stating that "the instrument scans the stages of human civilization, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age." Before Galileo and Brunelleschi, however, had another critical step, as always rise to the advent of powerful tools: I mean the greek world, I would like to mention is the argument for completeness, and, above all, why the item was acquired time, is a part, even today, of our lives. From a certain point in time, Greek architecture changes, along a new road: between 447 and 432a.C. the Parthenon is made in the "change" from the fundamental model of the temple, "a variation of standard" as defined by Le Corbusier, has fundamental implications. Ictinus discovers-and-gives us the space, ie the third dimension, width. Before that time it mattered in architecture was the mere presence of the body. And, like the first spoke of the "buzz" is not a coincidence that in those years, the sophist Protagoras claimed "man is the measure of all things." Architecture on a human interaction, there is that there is no absolute knowledge, objective, valid always and everywhere, as far constantly variable. If the space meant for the Greeks then put the man in the middle of it (with all the philosophical implications that this entails), but today we could say that space is information (implementation of a convention a given), so that it could be argued that the different way of approaching things, change. And rightly, as well as Prof. Wise writes, space also varies with variations in different physiologies and contingencies (other than that received by animals to that received from above, below, from underwater, etc.). And as we confirm Husserl we tend to organize the space in relation to our body, as well as Georges Perec (inspired by Aristotle) \u200b\u200bwho notes that "we survey the space and gives us the illusion of the distance. It 'just so that we build the space with a high and low, a left and a right, a front and a back, a neighbor and a distant .... "
illustrated this point the title of the post will seem clearer. It has a double meaning: on one side denotes the intrinsic property of Peter Pan to fly, that can move in space, released by the reference to a plan, acquiring a fourth dimension, which revolutionized, as already mentioned, the concept of space. The second meaning, refers to Never Land, the place par excellence and therefore not a utopia!
pondered the fact of how the emergence of the crisis-conducive because of the instability produced by the criticism of the tradition and the consequent emergence of the doubt and uncertainty-the utopian theorizing. For example, the development of the concept of state proposed by Plato in the Republic, with implications certainly utopian, stood by the crisis of Athenian democracy of the fifth century, guilty of murdering his friend and teacher Socrates. Thus, even during the major crises of the last century and then developed several posters movements, bearers of new ideals. Even when the climate of the Counter-Reformation, between the English domination and inquisition, Campanella took over the task of "three evils to eradicate extreme" (tyranny, sophistry, hypocrisy), his ideas "heretical" produced the utopian model of "the city of the sun" .
The identification of the crisis, then, is not only the time to develop new tools (and vice versa), but also the right time to propose alternative visions-perhaps impossible-that otherwise would be absurd and preposterous, censoring the ability to imagine different worlds and parallel universes. In short, the crisis is not just the moment when we analyze the difficulties but also a unique chance to change society, which have become obsolete, burdensome and untenable.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Desert Eagle For Sale Gold Plated

First post

I think it is good to start with first saying hello and introducing ... so good evening everyone I'm a student (probably you) first Faculty of Architecture Ludovico Quaroni, Rome. The
creation of this virtual space has been boosted by the course professor Caad I'm following and I must say I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bhaving this comfortable place where you can express thoughts, ideas and maybe be able to establish some comparison with you. I must add that the university is a considerable lack the ability (and sometimes the will) to open a debate on some issues, such as those who are studying so maybe using this tool that is able to break down barriers of shyness and social - implying a written formulation - allows the development of thoughts better constructed and more complete, it would be nice if he could succeed.
So I hope to be able to realize (Or reify!) What I have in mind to make this space for now while I call you a cyber-greetings and call you soon.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Desert Eagle Prices Gold

The machine of Bars

In steel company have invented a method to produce metal bars in a continuous cycle.

The machine that produces drops under the action of gravitational force alone, the metal in plastic (to a suitable temperature).

The metal contained in a hopper, is passed through a hole (the diameter of which varies depending on production needs) (see Figure 1).

Suppose you know the following parameters: the density of the metal, the cohesive force f [N / m 2] ( Understanding how the force per unit area with which the Part A and Part B claims, conversely, part B pulls the part A, v. Figure 2), constant speed v with which the material falls.

Assuming that the machine works for 1 hour try to answer the following questions:

  1. described the physical mechanism that enables the production of single bars by plastic mass fall;

  2. calculated the length of each bar produced;

  3. calculated how many bars are produced in a time of machine operation.

Bonuses and time:

contribution remains open until 24 to Wednesday, 18/03/2009;

for each correct answer and adequately justified (+ +) ; the proposal is restricted to students of III until 24 on Sunday, will be accepted after the participation of everyone.

Good job!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Free Vidoes Of Brent Corrigan

and prostate massage, sex, sex marriage crisis

, sex and marriage crisis

Sexuality and marriage crisis

Sexuality and intimacy are important ingredients of the couple's relationship and indices of well-being of the report. Sexuality and intimacy are closely linked and each complements and enriches the other.

The intimacy is an emotional bond that involves sharing, mutual acceptance of differences, acceptance of the possibility that other things come into contact with our vulnerability, often concealed by a forced suitability, the freedom to express their feelings without fear of doom: the willingness to tolerate an intense bond and important expose us to the possibility of experiencing pain or hurt the other, a mutual emotional exchange, open and defenseless, based on trust and the desire to do 'Another participant of our experiences.

should be made, however, an important clarification on the meaning of intimacy, as is often the subject of misunderstandings: this bond is not based on 'equality of feeling "of two people, a sort of fusion between the two union partners, but is based on respect for differences of partners, compliance with which disposes us to welcome "the way of thinking of the other ", to share with him / her" our feelings "and give birth to a new possibility of relationship that involves the contribution of everyone and that, for the spontaneity and naturalness with which unfolds, it becomes enriching, enriching, rewarding and creates mutuality, or the sense of "we."

Intimacy is an important aspect of sexuality of a couple consolidated, as it provides the sexual partners to live in the area more fully, uninhibited, authentic.
Very often it happens that those couples who enjoyed a relationship at the beginning of intense sexuality, rewarding in frequency and intensity, with time, they see more and more compromised this delicate and important part of their report, with great pain or discomfort, expressed in different ways, by both partners.

Sometimes neither of them can understand exactly what are the reasons which have led to a deterioration like this part of the report once preserved from any threat and a source of great satisfaction, but now it is neglected undermined by a thousand other commitments and priorities that, somehow, seem to have more relevance to the possibility of being together.

While eroticism, strictly speaking, is temporary and intended to result in orgasm, sexual intercourse, sexuality instead of torque, it has a broader significance in the relationship dimension in the past, present and future and is a metaphor of the covenant between patners .

For this reason it often happens that sexuality is the site of many battles, without the two contestants they understand what the real reasons why they entered the war, but the knowledge that the most obvious concerns the aridity of their threatened by sexual victimization, resentment, low blows, waste, abuse of power.

When you switch from being in love them to a more stable and consolidated, including sexuality and the two partners changes relate differently to each other and the outside world: the other becomes "my "but not in the sense of mere ownership:" my "husband," my "wife in a context more broadly. As is emphasized

Vella and Solfaroli Camillocci, in came a new form of awareness: "... the new situation leads to the mastery of the other [and] as the main vehicle of this sense of mastery of the other is the repeated experience of union cooperative of the two bodies in achieving a shared satisfaction, it seems inevitable that this vehicle is affected by its repercussions, whenever life events bring together this sense of mastery in crisis. "

The critical events of the life of a couple are multiple and take on a different resonance depending on the meaning of that line for partners, or families of origin, and the value they attribute to him: cohabitation marriage, pregnancy , neogenitorialità, successes or failures in business, economic, social, death, old age ... ...

In many cases, couples are based on illusory expectations on the report and on the other, inspired by the basic premise that, if rejected by their partners, generate such a discrepancy between what was imagined and what is the lived reality, disappointed that the person experiences more or less explicitly grudge , disillusionment with partners to feel cheated or abandoned / o.

The feelings experienced by everyone, within the report, are numerous: frustration, loneliness , resentment, anger, emptiness, indifference, rejection, doubts, feeling of being misunderstood and could no longer share their emotions with each other, surprise and disbelief the current situation, a sense of helplessness mainly due to the fact that, force yourself to "restore the health" of sexual forcibly, that does not compromise it even further and deprive it of the spontaneity and naturalness that make it enjoyable.

In these cases, external assistance as a couples therapy, offers the possibility of a more limited space for all those reasons contention that, if they remain buried, they could be diverted underground in that area so that, first of all, characterized the bond of togetherness: the sexual sphere. It acts as a bonding agent when there is clarity in the rules of bargaining Report and tolerance of differences; acts as a corrosive force that breaks down and when some of the reasons for conflict, which is natural and physiological would be created on the couple's relationship, however, remain unexplored and, for several reasons, it avoids facing directly.

Source: Dr. Maura


This article highlights the need to have psychological and often one partner develops and exercise without being the least aware that this may cause symptoms and psychological problems of man or woman who undergoes it. The possessive behavior may occur not only in sexual relationships of type but often have a way very incisive in the couple's relationship. What therapy is

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mikuni Snowmobile Preasure Fuel Pump


poor, sex

What causes really bad sex in addition we already know?

One of the major causes responsible for a few years in this part of sex bad we can safely attribute to the use of Internet and network in general. More and more women who have exhausted their tolerance for the conduct of their husbands who continue to linger endlessly on the Internet losing its conception of space and time, while your partner is waiting for them to dine, to communicate, to have sexual relations .

If there economic crisis is wreaking havoc on the one hand, causing them to sacrifice and to increase working hours to make ends meet, on the other side is increasingly the outlet and distraction due to the hegemonic sex poor, I refer to the Internet.

It 's true old age, stress, various health problems affect sexual performance, but not as much as the regulars of the online world. Why? Because increasingly the browser and 'attracted by online cyber sex and pornography in general.

do not wonder that sexual intercourse with his wife (who appears to resemble less and less with the body pornodive sexy and attractive who perform on Youporn or Red tube are found to be poor and devoid of pathos.

At the same time we can observe the phenomenon of Social Networking catching more and more acclaim especially by women, which stoves defend themselves in the situation by creating countless virtual relationships. Today a woman through the internet can absorb and remain fascinated by the new models difference in sexual performance and super performance that sees the network, identifying its contrast to her husband as a rabbit, weak and unable to get debauched sex-performing as on video.

In sum, the largest network on the one hand is the best resource to get out all the problems, but it can 'cause confusion, addictions and wrecked relationships with their partner if they do not last sex poor.

is not easy to manage themselves changing harmful habits and adopting healthy lifestyles and empowering systems so as not simple to improve performance in sexual intercourse without the use of products .
Times have changed ... We are in another dimension we just hope not to be the pawns of larger forces that control us so that the dependence of the virtual world that we can not develop psychologically devastates us in our sex.