short post on some considerations of the meeting in the gallery "As if "San Lorenzo, compared to the intervention of the artist Constantine A. Morosin.
's art is Morosin suggestive, he inspired by the new technologies of geo-referencing, the use in an entirely new way, searching (it must be said) to an art form. His SIGNA reminded me of the Adamic event detection and attribution of the constellations of signs and their meanings. In the same way our ancestors with the "nose", Morosin does cross the globe by the "signs" of his art. At first it may seem pretentious to use the GPS, but then you notice like in this technology (it), give very interesting implications, not at all trivial, and as he points out are still just the beginning. This study alone, we could define pioneering all'incoprensione addition of others and to a probable skepticism, I bring to mind old (and new) American architect Gehry allegations about well-known question, whether or not he is an architect rather than an artist, a sculptor. And again, I am reminded in mind also the city of culture in Galicia, designed by Eisenman: there is trying to become landscape architecture with its organic shell, which are established in the English hills (the relationship between nature and architecture and that Morosin becomes between art and nature). In all this talk, I think it is possible to identify at least two wires that are intertwined: one is the landscape, which changes the meaning of looking for a promotion and as pointed out by Prof Wise, this new concept of landscape "flips the subjective and objective in the idea of \u200b\u200bforeignness in interiority." Linked to this is the other: a new awareness that the earth (the whole) is controllable, so as to allow the construction of super-sculptures, like Morosin that is certainly the largest (at least dimensionally) form art that mankind has ever conceived and produced. Similarly the introduction of perspective in the fifteenth century, for which space is measured, so controlled and knowable and therefore controllable-i sitemi GPS georeferencing they got us into a new definition of space, in which dots the dots Morosin figures (think almost like fractals) we are: an art form that some man comes to space and back to man.
picture: one of the famous figures of the Peruvian Nazca site
video: I propose a new funny video on Google Map technology
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