The first lesson in the course of Prof. Wise was exciting and surprising-to-staff level. I was surprised that-as in those puzzles that are to reconstruct a picture by connecting the numbered points-some thoughts I had already independently developed, not only were present in class, but they also found a "framework metaphysical "achieving greater clarity. I am referring for example to the historical reconstruction of Galileo's telescope, especially to Brunelleschi, who I immediately connected the advent of perspective, having understood the enormous revolution (that Zevi had presented in his book the seven invariant architecture, with a nice vignette). It 'obvious that the invention of an instrument as strong as that of perspective, was the son of the background noise, an existing high-temperature fire at the end, and-like fire-suit the state of things, winning the modernity that we talked about in class. Among other things, Le Corbusier also mentions the problem of the instrument, stating that "the instrument scans the stages of human civilization, the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age." Before Galileo and Brunelleschi, however, had another critical step, as always rise to the advent of powerful tools: I mean the greek world, I would like to mention is the argument for completeness, and, above all, why the item was acquired time, is a part, even today, of our lives. From a certain point in time, Greek architecture changes, along a new road: between 447 and 432a.C. the Parthenon is made in the "change" from the fundamental model of the temple, "a variation of standard" as defined by Le Corbusier, has fundamental implications. Ictinus discovers-and-gives us the space, ie the third dimension, width. Before that time it mattered in architecture was the mere presence of the body. And, like the first spoke of the "buzz" is not a coincidence that in those years, the sophist Protagoras claimed "man is the measure of all things." Architecture on a human interaction, there is that there is no absolute knowledge, objective, valid always and everywhere, as far constantly variable. If the space meant for the Greeks then put the man in the middle of it (with all the philosophical implications that this entails), but today we could say that space is information (implementation of a convention a given), so that it could be argued that the different way of approaching things, change. And rightly, as well as Prof. Wise writes, space also varies with variations in different physiologies and contingencies (other than that received by animals to that received from above, below, from underwater, etc.). And as we confirm Husserl we tend to organize the space in relation to our body, as well as Georges Perec (inspired by Aristotle) \u200b\u200bwho notes that "we survey the space and gives us the illusion of the distance. It 'just so that we build the space with a high and low, a left and a right, a front and a back, a neighbor and a distant .... "
illustrated this point the title of the post will seem clearer. It has a double meaning: on one side denotes the intrinsic property of Peter Pan to fly, that can move in space, released by the reference to a plan, acquiring a fourth dimension, which revolutionized, as already mentioned, the concept of space. The second meaning, refers to Never Land, the place par excellence and therefore not a utopia!
pondered the fact of how the emergence of the crisis-conducive because of the instability produced by the criticism of the tradition and the consequent emergence of the doubt and uncertainty-the utopian theorizing. For example, the development of the concept of state proposed by Plato in the Republic, with implications certainly utopian, stood by the crisis of Athenian democracy of the fifth century, guilty of murdering his friend and teacher Socrates. Thus, even during the major crises of the last century and then developed several posters movements, bearers of new ideals. Even when the climate of the Counter-Reformation, between the English domination and inquisition, Campanella took over the task of "three evils to eradicate extreme" (tyranny, sophistry, hypocrisy), his ideas "heretical" produced the utopian model of "the city of the sun" .
The identification of the crisis, then, is not only the time to develop new tools (and vice versa), but also the right time to propose alternative visions-perhaps impossible-that otherwise would be absurd and preposterous, censoring the ability to imagine different worlds and parallel universes. In short, the crisis is not just the moment when we analyze the difficulties but also a unique chance to change society, which have become obsolete, burdensome and untenable.
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