Yesterday I thought the concept of balance and reflecting how, in physics, the destabilization of a balanced zero-state, can be traced back-through passages of varying length-to a new state of equilibrium, different from the first, a state x, which can be destabilized again and find a new balance in conformation x2 and so on. For several centuries it was considered that it was zero, there had been kindly handed down through the ancient tradition, to find a more perfect, "good and beautiful"-Vasari-how would the models from which to draw (or types), free of problems, especially formal, in fact bound to change the architecture on the subject. But however, there are different "forms" of balance, which can and should search for the architect, not to trivialize this research but recognizing the complexity for-like Aldo Rossi said "not fall idiocy." Having the "equal weight" does not mean flattening, minimalism, avoid emerging elements, but rather that the search for the good Lean Baptist, identified in concinnitas (elegance, sophistication, harmony). Certainly, over six hundred years ago that something has changed, if only the vanguard of the early twentieth century, architects have uprooted from the brains of those pre-built forms, which has become exoskeletons behind to escape the terror of the crisis, still in the station in Milan of 1931 sought to contain the impending radical change.
The loss of secure bases from which to start, it was a leap of faith that, with all the risks it entails-enabled architecture to fly: a courageous act that the crisis had prepared the ground. Losing, however, that certainty, that defensive shield, which forced the architecture to autocriticarsi and to identify different paths to follow: the enormous classizzazione that industrial society had led an individualized, but will gradually until the birth of true democracy and of ' man and woman (specifically to emphasize the importance of the event fimminile emancipation, made of epochal importance) as individuals. The twentieth century has been a very eventful, rapid changes in, and perhaps will be remembered as the century of change. Today, children of a dual-industrial revolution and information-most of that time will be required and the central question of the balance, having no more than practical formulas that allow the architectural success of the operation, nor posters to follow, but each project will be a challenge to himself, in a search that continues, as we said, can no longer designed to detect a steady state par excellence, but one among many possible.
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