Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Ingredients In Johnson Shampoo

A little important book for everyone in this light if' True self-meditation Jiddu Krishnamurti

In eighteen chapters taken from small unpublished speeches, Krishnamurti reiterates his message, simple, yet revolutionary: the rejection of any established religion, of all spiritual authority, the very capacity of the rational mind to venture into territories that do not compete, and with the deep trust in human nature, can be found in himself that light which has been trying for centuries in vain outside. Why, despite the great advances in technology, humanity is dragged into disorder, conflict, fear, and unfulfilled, increasingly unable to live in harmony with nature and with others? For Krishnamurti, "we are the world", and our individual chaos is reflected in the global chaos. The answer, the challenge that each one must assume, passing through the abandonment of any idea, concept or theory, and the search for something beyond the very sacred time. Only the mind that knows how to investigate, who knows how to transcend the known and refuse any conditions or control, it can get to understanding, freedom, inner peace, and be a light unto itself.


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