Monday, December 6, 2010

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Just his way of walking is a challenge to every school of thought

from the work of Wilhelm Reich, The Murder of Christ :
"[Christ] when he walks his feet on the ground as if posing fully take root at every step, breaking away, and then again take root. It walks like a prophet, like an essay or as a professor of higher mathematics. simple path. When you see the question arises: What is this? Who is it? is so different from other men. Each of his followers walking expresses something, something really has nothing to do with the act of walking. One walks with modesty. The other walks immersed in deep thought. The third walk as if you were running away from a horrific scene. The fourth walks like a king. The fifth obedient as a follower of the Master. The sixth as a deer. The seventh walks like a fox. The Master simply walk, or even like a deer. Simply walking.
Just his way of walking is a challenge to every school of thought, whether it is sophistry of solipsism, the Talmud, existentialism. His whole behavior is so different from any "ism" that no individual used to "classify" people might say that group he belongs. [...]
The stillness, the stand still, they accompany the traveler wherever he or she move. And then they admire and adore those who really moves. Christ is on his travels on his behalf even if he meets the people. Traveling alone, with very few companions. Even when he is with his teammates is always slightly separated from them is a few meters ahead of them, or if he goes alone into the woods to meditate. His followers meditate often. Almost always speak only of the teacher, wondering what he is doing right now, or how it is possible to have done this or that. So they have their own image in the mirror, the thing that would be but that can not be.
They dream that Christ is their leader, and, with his powers and his fury, God-given one day course will drive the Romans from the Holy City. He's just waiting and preparing. But the day of revenge will come certainly. Is it not a leader? Their leader? They are ready to follow him into the fire, and already light at the thought of going with him into the fire. Eventually I will leave.
try to persuade him to perform miracles to prove his divine powers. For them the divine powers are the thunder, lightning and the sound of a thousand tremendous fanfare or guns blazing and the sky and tore the veil in the temple. The dead rise from their graves, you will realize the greatest miracle of all: the souls return bodies and move just as they did millennia ago. This is the least he can do for them. [...]
Christ knows nothing of this. He has never spoken or promised no thunder, no lightning in the sky, no earthquake or torn veil. He lives and moves in a completely different. He does not think or dream of any revolt. The Kingdom that he feels within himself is not of this world, as he will tell them just before his last agony. But no one understands what he's talking about. Take it literally. A kingdom is a kingdom, is not it? And there must be a kingdom and a king marches and trumpets and a throne and conquered cities. A leader has the power and exercises it on others. Here's what they expect
by Jesus Christ. He is only hiding. It is not yet revealed. And they led him to be, to give a sign, again and again.
Christ begs them not to talk to others of its beneficial influence upon the people and the sick. He never speaks of miracles. In the end, one hundred years after his assassination, to dominate the scene will be his miracles and his refusal to perform them.
Christ is contrary armed revolt. He refuses to take command of an uprising of this kind. He preaches the revolution of the soul, the manifestation of the deeper layer that is in us. Christ knows that if this deep layer is not extrinsic and made real and effective soon engulf the mayhem his generation. Christ feels more than he knows that man must find his love and the intimate nucleus if it is to survive and reestablish the kingdom of heaven "(pp. 62, 94-95).

Thursday, November 18, 2010

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The choice of positive thinking

by 'Thought Action Doom' Marco Ferrini

Our minds can only maintain a position at a time, and since there ' is nothing to gain from being negative and whining, you might as well choose to be positive.'s lament sucks the energy and us away from the solution of the problem, helping to strengthen against a negative view of ourselves and the world, there is no help.
The mind is like an hourglass: do not spend more than a thought or an emotion at a time. Just because you can not think of more than one thing at once, we can easily avoid being overwhelmed by negative emotions or thoughts. It may, in fact, through a well directed will, put on a mental screen that only positive thinking that we will have selected one that reminds us of the success and makes us happy. Through this conscious choice, will prevent our psychic field is flooded with random thoughts and emotions, not selected, manufactured by circumstances external to us and the cause of suffering.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

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Karl Renz and the absolute stillness

Karl Renz (December 12 1953) is an original popularizer of Western ' Advaita Vedanta , born to a peasant family of Lower Saxony .
first farmer in the family, then had an artistic training. Since 1980 for performing musician and visual artist, and divides his life between Berlin and Canary Islands, when not traveling around the world to conferences, he called talks.
his credit, accrued due to near-death experience like that happened to Ramana Maharshi is that nobody can ever attain enlightenment, because when this happens dissolves the false idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an "I "separated from the rest of creation, or self . And in his talks Renz, in fact, he says he is not talking but saying that talks to himself. During a satsang
in which there was the spiritual Isabella Di Soragna , Renz explained to his audience as the event that would lead to transcendence began with its plan to test the theory read in a book by Carlos Castaneda , which is to look at your hands before going to sleep, so you can see even in dreams. Later there was a period of several years during which Renz had very strong headaches that no medicine could ease, preventing any activity and bringing it almost to death. Then, suddenly, they stopped and Renz was filled with an incredible energy, almost electric, "a thousand volts."
It can be assumed that this experience has been due to a "lift" Kundalini Energy by lower chakras (the ones at the base of the spine ) to higher - up to the head - that in ' humanity today are normally closed.
From his meetings with the public have been inspired several books, including Pour en finish avec L'Eveil et autres Conceptions erronées and The myth of the enlightenment, has not as yet translated into Italian .
His satsang held in Europe Germany, Switzerland and Croatia.
Every year, around January , makes a satsang of many days in Bangalore .
He has taught and lectured in Israel , Mexico, Australia , South America, North America .
From one of his talks;
"Self-knowledge is the understanding of the impossibility of a way out. The absolute resignation to understand themselves, they can not ever know, this is the absolute stillness. Where there is no more desire to know yourself. This in true knowledge of themselves. I can never escape me and I will never catch me. "

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

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The Mandala A poem

Mandalas are an ancient tradition and, in the last century, a great student of psychology West has done a study tool human personality. There is talk of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung (July 26 Kesswil 1875 - June 6 Küsnacht 1961), who wrote four essays on the subject after having studied them for over twenty years. According to Jung, during periods of mental tension, mandalic figures may appear spontaneously in dreams to carry or indicate the possibility of an inner order. The symbol of the mandala, then, is not only a fascinating form of expression, but acting in reverse, carries also the author of the action plan because this symbol lies a very ancient magical effect: the image is intended to draw a magic line around the center, a sacred precinct of the most intimate, a protective circle that prevents the "leakage" and takes away the worries caused from the outside. But there's more: they operate in order to restore a previous order in force, a mandala also pursues the aim of giving creative expression and form to something that still does not exist, something new and unique. How says Marie-Louise Von Franz (a pupil of Jung), the second is even more important than the first but does not contradict it because, in most cases, what is to restore the old order, simultaneously involves some new element of design.

from wikipedia

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Experience is the Angled Road Preferred

From the Mind - Paradox - the Mind itself
- What
presumed to be driving.
... just the opposite -
How complicated
The Discipline of Man -
that forced him to choose for his punishment fixed

(E. Dickinson)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

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The Four Steps to Love - Part Four

Amare Osho Times Logo

This page changes every Friday


The Four Steps to Love

Part Four The fourth step toward love: to be nothing.

And the fourth step: be nothing. When you start thinking you are someone, you get stuck, so, love can not flow. The love flows only from anyone who is not. Love dwells only in the moment.
When you are empty, there is love.
When you're full of ego, love disappears.
Love and ego can not coexist.
Love may exist with God, but can not exist with the ego, because love and God are synonymous. Love and ego can not walk hand in hand.
So, be nothing. The nothingness is the source of everything, from nothing comes the infinite ... nothing is nothing God does "nirvana". Be
nothing ... and being nothing, achieve Everything. Being someone miss the point, being nothing, you'll come home.

Adapted from: Living, loving, laughing Ed.NSC

Thursday, October 21, 2010

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Kindness (not only between doctor and patient)

The relationship between doctor and patient, kindness seems a small thing. Small and fleeting, like a flower that soon fades, a butterfly that lives only one day, but not insignificant: in fact, a sequence is generated by the kindness in interpersonal relationships - and not only that the Hospital - which, through mechanisms reciprocity, spread quickly in competence, confidence, therapeutic alliance, the doctor is kind soddisfazione.Ma? Must it be? How to develop and express this ability? Can the kindness, in its apparent modesty, hide and ethical values \u200b\u200bthat enhance the authentic report, any interpersonal relationship? Among the pioneers of kindness will be a special area dedicated to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize 1953, which gave her life as a doctor and missionary to the people of Gabon to return to the next what he had been good in his life as a musician, JS Bach scholar, theologian and philosopher, in the name of kindness as a 'gift of self' to others, even through the projection of some excerpts from the documentary on his life, won the Oscar for best documentary in 1957. Kindness in interpersonal relationships has not yet been studied from the perspective of the behavioral sciences, although some neuroendocrine data have recently suggested that may be related to some hormonal mechanisms. The first studies that seek to study the kindness in the doctor-patient relationship has been initiated and are ongoing at the Psychology Faculty of Medicine, University of Ferrara, and preliminary data on the measurement techniques seem very promising. But kindness has a long history in the medical literature, although hidden under other clothes, from Hippocrates to the early clinical doctors in the U.S. goes by the generic name of 'bedside manners', that' good manners bedside '. But what happened to the Hospital of the 21st century, these manners? How to spread the notion that among the 'best practices' of medical practice and, in general, health kindness occupies a prominent place in spite of its appearance and seemingly less resigned, confused - and therefore neglected - including education, respect, listening and empathy? by

The relationship between doctor and patient, kindness seems a small thing. Small and fleeting, like a flower that soon fades, a butterfly that lives only one day, but by no means trivial: indeed, the kindness you generate a sequence in the report interpersonal - and not only that the Hospital - which, through mechanisms of reciprocity, spread quickly in competence, confidence, therapeutic alliance, satisfaction.
But the doctor is kind? Must it be? How to develop and deliver this capability? Can the kindness, in its apparent modesty, hide and ethical values \u200b\u200bthat enhance the authentic report, any interpersonal relationship?
Among the pioneers of kindness will be a special area dedicated to Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Nobel Peace Prize 1953, who gave his life as a doctor and missionary to the people of Gabon to return to the next what he had been good in his life musician, JS Bach scholar, theologian and philosopher, in the name of kindness as a 'gift of self' to others, even through the projection of some excerpts from the documentary on his life, won the Oscar for best documentary in 1957.
kindness in interpersonal relationships has not yet been studied from the perspective of the behavioral sciences, although some data have suggested that neuroendocrine recently may be related to some hormonal mechanisms. The first studies that seek to study the kindness in the doctor-patient relationship has been initiated and are ongoing at the Psychology Faculty of Medicine, University of Ferrara, and Preliminary data on measurement techniques seem very promising. But kindness has a long history in the medical literature, although hidden under other clothes, from Hippocrates to the early clinical doctors in the U.S. goes by the generic name of 'bedside manners', that 'good manners at the bedside'.
But what happened to the Hospital of the 21st century, these manners? How to spread the notion that among the 'best practices' of medical practice and, in general, health kindness occupies a prominent place in spite of its appearance and seemingly less resigned, confused - and therefore neglected - including education, respect, listening empathy?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

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The orientation of the heart - an essay by Massimo Scaliger

source of tenderness, joy of thinking, when the soul rises to his music is being simultaneously that it manifests itself as life, around a principle that is his first and be the simultaneous denied, and his yearning to join it herself, not to disappear in itself, but to relive the whole. But if it turns out that there is only one movement that responds to this original request, then it can turn to realize itself in this movement: its implementation be as Love, finds the source of his recall and his longing: no longer turn to others, because he finds everything else nell'èmpito Sacred Love. He must also know how to die to the loss of self in the vain search for the other, because finally knows how to be with each other.

orientation of the heart is to find the identity of the heart, abstracting from the figures of the movement so the heart of one is identical to that of the other. This identity is a resonate beyond the symbolic form and space of the heart, a resonance of the original power of Love manifested through the heart, so the bike is the be all the hearts of others. The embrace is reflected in the heart that feels, but the motion of what is all heart, so there can be no contradiction. The feel-mediated heart is all the feeling of all being. It is the movement of the will which does not allow deep contradictions, having solved all in itself: the "place" of the heart is mediated by the vast and timeless power of this original Will: so the identity is that it makes the whole being. As the cover is all that be "eye", so the power of love is all that Will Will: the motion of the heart is all heart.

must think with the thoughts that must be included as a new force in the land: those thoughts that are the ultimate substance, the ultimate meaning of all spiritual work. The Earth is already dead and her future life can spring free from the thoughts of men, not by dialectical thought, but freed from the thought. The Earth is waiting for him. The Sacred Love is the thought report released news of the pair acting as human is the thought that finds its source of life, which is the current androgyny. It is only the high life of thought which may give way to one of the other encounter the figure of light, the original being united by Primo.

Massimo Scaliger

From a letter of 1970 to a disciple

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

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optimism that the extraordinary potential of positive thinking

Optimism is a way of life based on the positive and possible vision of life and situations. This way of looking at things and see the famous glass half full, makes the optimist always respond to contingencies in an active and proactive, not to be overwhelmed by any difficulty or obstacle that stand between him and his goal.

The optimist knows that every difficulty, every issue brings its solution. Everything is to get commitments and find it.

The inner optimist has a propensity to evaluate situations in a constructive manner and possibilities: he knows that there is a solution. And if there is no means that it's okay. And best of all that is how things would work if there were we in the midst of our demands and expectations.

Optimism is the mindset that turns the living room of anyone on the spaceship earth, in an exciting adventure and achieve their goals, helping at the same time a lot of people to develop both materially and spiritually through a 'modus vivendi' steeped in wellness and balance.

This does not mean that an optimist is not never come across obstacles and difficulties, only he knows there is a way out and expects to find it with minimal effort and maximum efficiency ... and usually this is how it happens, allowing a small step at a time to achieve the goals most daring!

The good news for everyone that is not to be pessimistic or optimistic, depending on what is written in the DNA of each of us. Scientifically, nobody has decreed that optimism is an immutable trait. Some people are more predisposed to a certain mental attitude rather than another, depending on upbringing, the experiences, the inclinations of his own character, but one thing is certain: with proper training can become optimistic.

You can get a positive mental attitude, and then usually optimistic simply changing the direction of our thoughts. Sounds easy ...

sometimes does not even seem easy, but you can do. It all depends on how effectively we want and what we believe in ourselves.
Above all what is important for us to convince ourselves that life is primarily a unique opportunity to make real our wildest dreams and to enjoy with great intensity of emotion that gives us the existence of

Saturday, October 9, 2010

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A 'intense poem by Arseny Tarkovsky

"Every moment of our meeting we celebrated the
like an epiphany,
alone in this world. You were more daring and slightly
of a bird's wing,
descending like a vertigo
skipping steps, and leads me over
wet lilacs in your possessions
beyond the mirror.
When I arrived the night was made
grace the doors of the iconostasis
were opened, and which shone in the darkness and slowly leaned

nudity in the wake: "You be blessed," said
, conscious of As irreverent
was my blessing you were asleep, and the lilac
tended to brush off the table
the galaxy with the blue lids, and tap from light

eyelids were quiet, and his hand was warm. In the crystal pulsed

fumigated the mountains, the sea sparkled, while asleep on the throne

were holding a crystal ball,
and - my God! - You were mine.

you destasti and cangiasti
the daily vocabulary of human speech was filled with really

and meaning, and the word you
unveiled its new meaning: the tsar.

Given everything was transfigured,
even the simplest objects - the bowl, the pitcher - when
as a guard stood between us
ice water, in layers.

We were led nowhere.
It opened our eyes, like mirages,
cities built to spell
mint stretched themselves under their feet, and the birds were
fellow travelers,
and fish up the river,
and the sky opened up our eyes ...

When fate follows us step pitch,
like a madman with a razor in his hand. "

Arseny Tarkovsky

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

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A little important book for everyone in this light if' True self-meditation Jiddu Krishnamurti

In eighteen chapters taken from small unpublished speeches, Krishnamurti reiterates his message, simple, yet revolutionary: the rejection of any established religion, of all spiritual authority, the very capacity of the rational mind to venture into territories that do not compete, and with the deep trust in human nature, can be found in himself that light which has been trying for centuries in vain outside. Why, despite the great advances in technology, humanity is dragged into disorder, conflict, fear, and unfulfilled, increasingly unable to live in harmony with nature and with others? For Krishnamurti, "we are the world", and our individual chaos is reflected in the global chaos. The answer, the challenge that each one must assume, passing through the abandonment of any idea, concept or theory, and the search for something beyond the very sacred time. Only the mind that knows how to investigate, who knows how to transcend the known and refuse any conditions or control, it can get to understanding, freedom, inner peace, and be a light unto itself.

Monday, August 23, 2010

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Roger Federer, having reached the final of the tournament in Montreal last week, won the 1000 Cincinnati Masters for the fourth time and for the second year in a row. The Swiss defeated in a very balanced and pleasant ending the American Mardy Fish in 3 sets, with a score of 67 76 64. For the RF 63simo ATP title of his career, master 17simo 1000 to second win season at 7 months after the Australian Open.
With this result the Swiss consolidates his second place in the standings and appears ready for the next U.S. Open which will start on 30 August.
Roger after the race said he felt fit and be satisfied with the fruits which led to the hard work after Wimbledon.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

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William Tell or Roger Federer? RAFA NADAL U.S. OPEN

is a wonderful video of Roger Federer on the set of the new Gillette advertising.
(to see the video click the link below sil)
His Majesty's courts in this movie brings to mind the deeds of another great hero, William Tell or high ( ), except that, instead of being armed with a crossbow, good Roger is holding a far more congenial to his racquet.

Monday, August 16, 2010

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After having proposed the RF line for Nike's U.S. Open here's to Rafa Nadal.
also the number 1 in the world indulges in the Nike slam home (being an American) and offers a version of light-colored to match the vesion of the day and a dark color for the match at night.


Images from tenniswarehouse.

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this week to play another tournament U.S. Open Series, the second consecutive Masters 1000, also in America (you are leaving Canada to move to the States) always on the concrete, again with all the best players in the world as players more aggressive than ever to best prepare for upcoming U.S. Open (fourth and final Grand Slam season).
is played in Cincinnati, here we announce the official website of the tournament where you can keep up to date:

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Andy Murray triumphs in Toronto and won the Canadian Open in 2010, thus defending the title won the Rogers Cup last year.
The Scot beat Roger Federer in the final set very balanced in 2 with a score of 75 75: The final was played in two phases for because of the rain delay.
With this result, the British consolidated their fourth position in the standings, while the Swiss number two goes back to the world bypassing Djokovic, beaten by his Swiss national team champion in the semifinals.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

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Roger Federer was presented at the 1000 Toronto Masters with a new version Nike Victory RF center of the very lawn (which had already raised at Wimbledon in traditional white-gold) in the pink shorts complete with a shade of dark green and brown (from Oregon called "khaki olive"). Complete very nice detail and rich in flavor that truly reflects the style Federer. Each end of the season, in fact, Roger meets with Nike to develop and prepare the clothing for the coming year according to his tastes and his needs for his personal line RF.


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beat Roger Federer in the second round of Rogers Cup Tornto Juan Ignacio Chela with a score of 76 63.

So far nothing special, but the first fact to remember is that the Swiss champion it was his first match to No. 3 in the world after seven years. In fact, the last tournament where Roger has participated from the lowest rung of the podium was at the Masters Cup (which he won in the final against Agassi) in 2003 played in Houston.

Federer also broke the record of games won in the 1000 Masters.
From Miami in 2000 (his debut in a tournament master 1000) to today, the Swiss won in this kind of tournaments, 210 matches (65 defeats).
Before him, the record belonged to Andre Agassi who from 1990 to 2006 had put together a record of 209 wins against 73 defeats.

last note to remember that in the RF, as announced, was his new coach Paul Annacone. Finally

summarized in the words of Roger who says he is happy of course for the record, it was important to start with a win after 6 weeks of stop (did not play from Wimbledon) and he feels confident to continue the tournament.


Monday, August 9, 2010

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1000 Masters trophies are back and return to the field of tennis star mandiale after Wimbledon for the big meet at the Rogers Cup in Toronto on the Canadian cement.
For the board, the results and info here's the official website of the event:
note pad, looking at the current ATP rankings this week, is' out of the top ten of Andy Roddick: in fact not happened since 1973, which established the world ranking of do not see a tennis player in the top 10 players in the world.