Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Second Relic In Egypt Sims 3

Karl Renz and the absolute stillness

Karl Renz (December 12 1953) is an original popularizer of Western ' Advaita Vedanta , born to a peasant family of Lower Saxony .
first farmer in the family, then had an artistic training. Since 1980 for performing musician and visual artist, and divides his life between Berlin and Canary Islands, when not traveling around the world to conferences, he called talks.
his credit, accrued due to near-death experience like that happened to Ramana Maharshi is that nobody can ever attain enlightenment, because when this happens dissolves the false idea of \u200b\u200bbeing an "I "separated from the rest of creation, or self . And in his talks Renz, in fact, he says he is not talking but saying that talks to himself. During a satsang
in which there was the spiritual Isabella Di Soragna , Renz explained to his audience as the event that would lead to transcendence began with its plan to test the theory read in a book by Carlos Castaneda , which is to look at your hands before going to sleep, so you can see even in dreams. Later there was a period of several years during which Renz had very strong headaches that no medicine could ease, preventing any activity and bringing it almost to death. Then, suddenly, they stopped and Renz was filled with an incredible energy, almost electric, "a thousand volts."
It can be assumed that this experience has been due to a "lift" Kundalini Energy by lower chakras (the ones at the base of the spine ) to higher - up to the head - that in ' humanity today are normally closed.
From his meetings with the public have been inspired several books, including Pour en finish avec L'Eveil et autres Conceptions erronées and The myth of the enlightenment, has not as yet translated into Italian .
His satsang held in Europe Germany, Switzerland and Croatia.
Every year, around January , makes a satsang of many days in Bangalore .
He has taught and lectured in Israel , Mexico, Australia , South America, North America .
From one of his talks;
"Self-knowledge is the understanding of the impossibility of a way out. The absolute resignation to understand themselves, they can not ever know, this is the absolute stillness. Where there is no more desire to know yourself. This in true knowledge of themselves. I can never escape me and I will never catch me. "

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.


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